Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday Randomness ~

Nocchi doesn't feel like having his picture taken this morning ~
Daisy scolds him for being so impolite...

 This is a little, knitted ear of corn that I found at a local antiques mall a few years back ~
I love anything handmade, so it had to come home with me.
Upon closer inspection, I noticed there was a small slip of paper tucked into the opening on the backside of the ear ~

the daintiest script, scribed in pencil-lead reads:

"Mrs. Edson's mother made this ear of corn, it is more than 50 years old. Mrs. Edson's mother was over 80 years old when she made it. - April 10 - 51"

I believ it is a tissue or hankie holder, but I'm not sure ~ do any of you know what it could have been used for? it is only 6" long...let me know if you have any clue!
and here is an old photo that hangs near this little ear of corn in our pantry ~
it is displayed on a wreath hung from our peg rack:

it is an old photo ~ taken in 1995! that's Peter, seated, and me standing behind him holding Hannah ~
we were vacationing in PA and decided to have our photo taken like this...
such fun!!!

and here is a shot of our pantry, you can see the wreath hanging over to your left,
...with the ear of corn and the photo of us ~

Wishing you all a Happy Tuesday!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Mugwump Woolies said...

Your sweet donkeys made me laugh out loud this morning! My best friend and I had photos taken like this many years ago...I'm gonna have to dig them out...we've been friends for fifty years and had them taken in Northern Va. when we were home from college one year...many ,many years ago.
Love the corn!
Have a great day!

Heritage Homestead Decor said...

I love your pictures. MY KIDS love your pictures and would love to wake up to your animals and those deer! Wow your pictures brighten our day!

Have a blessed day

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Silly donkeys!
I just love it when someone took the time to add a little note to something old to give it provenance. We should learn a lesson from this and make sure we tuck those notes in too. :-)
What a fun photo of your family . . . . long ago when I owned a restaurant, my partner and I had a "Proprietors" photo done in a similar fashion.
Have a lovely day!

Margo said...

A dear friend from my childhood had these corns and she told me there were pot holders to use on skillet handles. Don't know if that is true. I have a couple of them somewhere.

Unknown said...

oh my, I love that corn, I would have took that home in a heart beat....I love corn......corn signs, pitchers etc....

Jane said...

I loved the photo of your neighbor-herd, yesterday. We have a group of 6 or 7 that frequent our yard. Beautiful pictures of your crockery, too and you KNOW we love those donkeys!
What a neat thing to find in that little corn piece! It's nice to think our handiwork will be heirlooms, someday.
I did some garden clean-up today and I'm hooking a bluebird...THINKING SPRING!!

jennifer768 said...

Always enjoy seeing your pics,especially the donkeys.So hope to have a one or two own me some day.Sweet little corn,sure is a wonderful treasure.Hugs,Jen

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Thanks for the giggles today, Lori. I loved seeing Nocchi and Daisy, and your little ear of corn (and the sweet note). You always have something interesting to share with us. Tom & I had a similar photo taken MANY years's backed with tin. We look so YOUNG in it-because we were! :) Happy Tuesday to you too! Rhonda

woolyredrug said...

Lovely post today, Lori! A very enjoyable visit...sweet donkeys.
Isn't it great when you find a little note tucked inside a great find? My guess is a pot holder, too. Love your family photo. We've got one with a western prairie twist from years ago in the Black Hills. Have a great evening! ~L

Robin Leuschen said...

Your donkeys are adorable famimly members...Just like a pair of kids out there !! the hidden note in the knitted corn,,,so great finding hidden treasure like that !!

Anonymous said...

I had an old fifties Workbasket magazine with instructions for the corncob--it's a potholder. There is also a teacozy design with similar construction.