Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Oh deer...lighten up!

Hello Friends & Folk!
and Happy Monday to you! tis a grey, drizzly day here on the farm...
a good day for chicken soup, as my sweet Mom would say!
so I think I'll do just that ~
put a pot of chicken soup on the trusty woodstove to warm our bodies & spirits...
this was the view out our breakfast nook window last evening ~
our little herd
hello little Friend!
I think you're adorable ~
one of the twin yearlings ~ we have two sets of twins this year

i see you!
 and since I've put the Holiday decorations away ~ I am simplifying the farmhouse decor...
trying to lighten things up a bit!!

here are a few snaps of our old green cupboard in the dining room...
ready for Springtime ~ love rabbits & ironstone
I leave my rabbits & sheep out most of the time...since we raise sheep and are often visited by wild rabbits in our fields, they hold a dear place in my heart.
a couple little black sheep in the mix

worn, chipped, cracked & yellowed ironstone ~ simple old farmhouse perfection!

this rabbit below, was a planter in another life ~ it holds a favorite pair of red-handled children's scissors
and a hand written note from my friend Netty L. ~

 the small parakeet clip below,
is an old one ~ it was found in the bottom of a decrepit box at a yard sale...
of course it had to come home with me...I would put it in Barbara's cage, but I'm afraid the paint on it might not be safe for him, so it sets amongst my sugar & creamer on the cupboard....

pink transferware platter, and old bottle ~
... here's a view of all of the shelves:

I know, an ecclectic mix of things, but they fill my heart ~
I decorate with things I love and things that hold memories...

baa baa black sheep
 seashells, McCoy pottery, rabbit candy containers ~
...soup tureens, handstitched samplers & old wood...
bright & cheerful for my old farmhouse!

seashells from Connecticut fill an old ironstone tureen ~ a frosty-blue, handpainted shotglass from a thrift store reads:
"Compliments from J.R. Allen" in gilt-gold paint
Hoping your Monday finds you enjoying the little things that mean so much ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Beth said...

Such a deer, dear beginning to this week. Thank you Lori. Love the photos....inspiring and very sweet. Beth

Trace4J said...

What a sweet post. love the deer, bunnies and your sheep.
I love things that have been so loved.
Chips and all. Just beautiful.
woolie hugs

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

Goode morning Lori girl~ ya got my attention ya stinker....Lol~

(you know what I mean:)


Lori Ann Corelis said...

Ahhh Spring! Love each photo . . . and should I admit?
We still have Christmas up?? WIth our colds I never got any good photos, so I'm still trying to do that! You are not the only "late" one!


Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Everything looks beautiful, Lori. Thank you for the inspiration on this foggy, damp day. It's soup weather here too...I think I'll go put a pot on.