Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Musings ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
and a Happy Sunday to you!
...what a week it's been...
filling orders for our new OLD as Dirt Primitives line...painting, sanding, aging.
working on new designs for that as well.
punching up new models for soon-to-be-released patterns, such as this:
Pennsylvania Tuilip pattern
 ...which was designed, size-wise, to fit nicely on the lid of our little
Sewing Coffer (chest)...
i love to punch!

soft, muted colors in this one ~ perfect for Valentine's Day or any day!

and I'm also working on a few finished goods for an update here on this blog
on February 1st at 10:00 am ~ you can click on the link titled "Goods from Notforgotten Farm" under my header picture  ~ I'll be offergin some finished & framed frakturs/watercolors, a few small needle punched items and a few framed & unframed cross stitch samplers ~

need to finish these now ~

playing with pencils, paint & ink ~

everything I do begins with a sketch of some sort, so I have many sketchpads full of my designs to pull from whenever I want to release something new for your amusement ~
((I carry a sketchpad with me wherever I go....))

folky folks, hearts & flowers and birds ~
Today I will FINALLY put Christmas away!!!
yepper, have had the house all decorated for Christmas still....had to keep it that way for a reason,
which I can't share with you at the moment *(neener neener neeeener!)*
but I'll be happy to start decorating for SPRING!
(this includes the shop, too!)
lots of work, but I love changing out the seasons,...don't you?

Have a peaceful Sunday, my Friends ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Anonymous said...

The colors you used in the new tulip pattern are lovely and I really like the pattern. I was wondering if you would share what type of paint you used on the board. Is that acrylic? I have a new set of combs that I can't wait to try. Thanks, zoe

P.J. said...

Love your punch needle work. I admire it from afar at the moment. It is something I want to try, someday. Your work inspires me to try. Right now I am stitching and hooking. After seeing your bee chair pad this past summer I pulled an old beginners project and have been hooked ever since. I love that others work from these blogs are so inspiring to many. Keep up the creativity!!

susan hemann said...

love your sketches!! Would be wonderful to see your sketch pad. So excited to see your Spring line. Your husbands pieces are just awesome!! Would love to own the chest, well all of his pieces if budget would allow!!