Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Punching along ~ and a constant battle....

Good Monday Morning Friends & Folk!
the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the floss is flyin'!
I am punching along nicely on a couple new designs and here's my progress thusfar ~
this is designed to fit onto the lid of our little sewing coffer:
this is titled "Pennsylvania Tulip" and here's the back....
design may change slightly from what's shown...ya never know!

and the front ~
hoping to have it finished up this aft....

sorry about the squiggles....

and as I sit quietly,
losing myself in the rythym of my handwork,
...I hear a commotion upstairs ~
it is the daily
Let the Games Commence:::::
Suzy slumbers on my pillow, not a care in the world ~
she got on the bed whilst I was making it up, so she was declared 'The Winner' today....
ahhh...comfycozysleepy morning nap.....

but wait!
not so fast there missy....
I was UNDER the bed during the straightening of said bedcovers...

...doesn't that count for anything?.... Mom??

notice the floofed-up hindparts on the Igmeister...he didn't know Suz was up there!
ok, win today, Mizz Thang.
but there is and will be a forever of tomorrow's...

a little embarrased Ig?

I'll just make myself
and watch you sleep....that's right...
close your're
(((oh wait, that was me dozing off...sorry!)))

come a little closer, Ig, ...I dare ya.

I didn't realize you had the CAMERA ~
here, let me pose for my peeps ~

Suzy thinks he's a nerd....she's right.

here is how I want my fans to see me...
handsome, strong...look at those whiskers...
(notice Suzy hasn't batted one of her beautiful chartreuse eyes
...and I sure wouldn't if I were her!)

you may adore me now....
we'll see who wins tomorrow...

Hoping you all have a playful day!!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Anonymous said...

Beautiful bedroom and such cute kitties. Great way to start the day!

My Colonial Home said...

Tis could be at my house...our two cats do the same thing. I love how they think they are getting a jump on the other one only to find out they are too latr and so the one stays as far away as possible but not giving up the battle.
Your bed and setup are exactly like mine...poster bed at an angle -night stand that close to the bed and the window right above it. When I looked at the first picture I almost thought it was my picture...cats and all...LOL
Your punch needle is going to be so pretty.

HomeSpunPrims said...

Love your new design Lori! And the kitties are so precious. Love your captions for them!! Hugs, Lori

jody said...

morning lori! love your punching you are coming up with!! and the kittys are adorable!! love love the cozyness of kitties!! enjoy your day!

klk said...

Beautiful cats. Aren't they funny? My Mitten has never seen a quilt she didn't want to sleep on. In fact, she's on one right now.

Unknown said...

.....just like kids, lol!!!!!!!!!! this bedroom is so pretty...I love the Grandmother's Flower garden quilt, the floral comforter, the pillow cases, curtains...a sweet cottage look........ have a good afternoon.....

gloriahanaway said...

So funny! You make my day every day you post! Has the "loser" ever tried to nap on the other unoccupied pillow or does the "winner" have nap rights to both pillows?

Raymond Homestead said...

Cute post, love the kitties!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

** no 'nap rights' whatsoever...the winner gets to declare the entire bed for themselves until the next go-round...**
~ Lori

P.J. said...

Oh my goodness, they are so much fun. Iggy is such a ham! I absolutely love his pose and your caption. Thank you for bringing us this bit of cat romping joy.

Pat said...

Yo Iggster -
I'm laughin' my whiskers off!!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

'sup my girlfriend????

we must meet for a tuna salad lunch sometime!

~ Iggy

Michelle~Sugar House Creations said...

Ha! Silly kitties. I woke up this morning to mine snuggled up with my legs. Brrr cold here in Ohio.