Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


that we will NOT BE OPEN this Saturday for our weekly
'No Cookin' ~ Just' Hookin' Club'
...we will be going to Richmond, VA for our daughter's college Orientation...
She's going to VCU
(Virginia Commonwealth University)
so next week we will be hooking instead...)))), not really...I'm not that organized.
I do have 'space' for my stuff, thanks to my dear hubster...
but I totally misuse the space....((I'm so sorry honey.))
I have recently had the pleasure of being contacted by
to submit an article on how I organize/store my woolens...
I'm thrilled!!
but also embarrased...I HAVE to get in here and fix things up a bit...

I know it's not thst bad,
but it could be I'll work on it & keep ya posted!

here's how I pile my wool ~
haphazardly & with no thought....
I throw it up there and watch how it falls.

altho, I DO like how it lands...
is it just me? am I thee only one who does this...I think not.
I haven't even shown you my 'worm' containers...& I have many.

I will be working in my studio all next week
for the photoshoot...
I'll be tweaking, rearranging, redecorating & re-doing...
I'll share pics with you as soon as I have them...
I'm hoping you all have a wonderful evening!!!!!!
Blessings from the Farm,


Jane said...

How exciting about the trip to VCU. Hope you all enjoy the experience and don't get too emotional!!!

I'm looking forward to your magazine article. I could use some organizational help.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

So exciting!! I will be doing the same with my son in a few weeks my third to leave the nest. I always cry. I to am a work in progress when it come to organizing so I can't wait to read your article!!

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

So exciting!! I will be doing the same with my son in a few weeks my third to leave the nest. I always cry. I to am a work in progress when it come to organizing so I can't wait to read your article!!

Patty C. said...

Looking forward to seeing your progress with your creative space -have fun ;)

frontporchprims said...

What a beautiful area to go to visit. My brother lived in Richmond and Williasmburg for a few years and the pictures he posted were so wonderful. I would love to go visit there someday. Hope your daughter likes it there too. The wool looks great just thrown about.

casey said...

Nothing like a photo shoot to light a fire under your butt!! You'll get it looking photo perfect in no time, but I don't see a problem with it the way it is!

The Cinnamon Stick said...

HAVE A FUN TRIP - always a happy and sad time all wrapped up in one, when our babies are getting so "grown" up!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Congratulations on the article, Lori! How exciting! And, ummm, I don't think wool can fall any way but awesome. ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin