Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Threads & Roses and other amusements...

Here's the progress of my
Colonial Adam & Eve
needlepunch pattern
(actually, it is finished...but I have other works in progress on this same fabric too)

and is this rose not just perfect??
I was gifted with a beautiful arrangement for my birthday
from Peter, Hannah & Skyler....
(it's color reminds me of a creamsicle :)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s another view of what's on my frame...
I'm really enjoying punching lately ~

...and here's thee entire arangement ~
the vase that it came in is clear glass,
but it has an etched design in it that looks like tree bark on a log...
perfect for me!

I'm looking forward to seeing old friends at the
Virginia Rug Fest on March 24th...
(click on my events link under my header)
I love seeing the rugs, fondling the wools, and decorating my booth!
(of course I'll share pics!!)

a beautiful day on the farm today...70's and sunny altho a titch windy...
Oh Well
"In like a Lion...."
I've decided for dinner it will be a nice, flavorful but HEALTHY meal ~

Baked Lemon Thyme Chicken
Steamed Asparagus with Sea Salt & Chive Butter
Garlic & Rosemary Broiled Potatoes
(all of the herbs mentioned are from our herb garden)

I even snipped some fresh herbs to decorate the farmhouse kitchen with...
I'll post those pics tomorrow ~
blessings from the farm,


Lori Ann Corelis said...

A most happy tho belated birthday Lori!!
Your flowers are as beautiful as you and your stitches are!

Happy Spring!
Lori Ann

woolyredrug said...

Beautiful Lori! Oh 70's...I'm just a wee bit jealous! Enjoy your the herbs!

P.J. said...

I'll be over for dinner, yum! Happy Birthday. Beautiful project and flowers. I really like the look of your multiple projects on one piece of fabric.

Primitives By The Light of The Moon said...

Happy Birthday....hope you enjoyed every minute of it.

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Lori!!! I hope it was a fantastic one!!! :0)

Patty ♣ said...

Oh dear! I Missed wishing you a Happy Birthday! Love to read your writings! I wish you a lovely, healthy, fun, and safe whole year!

Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

That blue cupboard in the background is sooo nice-