Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

~ Simple * Farmhouse * Sunday ~

setting my needle and thread aside for a moment,
to share a couple pretty pictures with you ~'s a peaceful & beautiful Sunday afternoon
and the sun is brightly shining ~
I love the play of the light in this old farmhouse.....

this is a little pinkeep stitched by Susan Hoover (Olde Threads)
that hangs with two others in my kitchen window ~
they are prim perfect and impeccably stitched!!
I purchased them from her page on
~ sweet & simple ~

I was poking around my herb garden and just had to snip
a couple bouquets of fresh lavender & some rosemary ~
yes, these are growing beautifully here in Virginia,
with this non-existent Winter we are having!
the house smells Soooo good ~
I love LOVE the shot above...
Peaceful * Quiet * Simple * Primitive * Farmhouse
....what's not to love about a Sunday afternoon?
~ my needle calls, off I go a stitching again ~
blessings from the farm,


denise said...

beautiful!!!!!!!!! denise

cucki said...

so lovely..beautiful.
love xxx

jennifer768 said...

Simply gorgeous!Love the pic of the basket.Hugs,Jen

lindeelou said...

deep breath in...ssslooowww breath out.... thank you

C M Designs said...

Hi Lori, I was amazed to see jonquils blooming here in Manassas, Va. today.. I could not believe what I was seeing.. It sure has been a crazy winter..
I enjoy reading your blog and love to see pictures of Iggy.. He's a sweetheart.. Blessings, Charlotte

annie said...

Just lovely!

jan said...

love that white basket Lori. No flowers up in Mass. yet

Unknown said...

The pillows look great in your window. Susan's work is so nice!

You are lucky to have your lavender still growing! It looks great!

I noticed my daffodil's were up about 3 inches already here in PA... don't think I ever saw that in January before!

The Eveningstitcher said...

Beautiful, Lori....puts me in a happy mood..a contented mood when reading your posts. I love your new kitchen..Peter is such a handy guy..every thing looks wonderful! I love your countertops.

My Primitive Creations by Tonya said...

Hi Lori... it has been a non exsistant winter here in Ohio too. My Herb garden is still producing whichis unheard of in Ohio... I picked some Roesmary and Thyme just last Friday..
My shop smells so yummy with all the herbs hanging and drying in there...

Love the picture of the basket too... Perfect description!

Have a great week!


My Colonial Home said...

Good morning Lori...well if we're having a slow, mild Winter I can imagine how it is in Virginia...gorgeous if it's producing herbs still.
Nothing better than fresh Rosemary - I don't have fresh, but I use the dried in my Pot always used it so I continue to use it...fresh would be even better.

What pretty mini pillows and they look darling in the window.
