Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Earlywork Update & Cabin Goods Show pics ~

Good Sunday Mornin' Friends & Folk!
it's COLD out! January weather is finally here...yay! hopefully it will stay cold like it's supposed to now and perhaps we'll get just a *little* snow sometime soon?

The pic above shows my January offerings for the Early Work Mercantile update
hop on over to see everyone's offerings!

below are pics from the
Cabin Goods Show
at Don & Donna Smith's BEAUTIFUL log cabin ~
LOTS of pics of wonderful stuff...grab a drool rag!

Tinker's Wagon

Millstone Mercantile's grouping of needfuls...

Mr. & Mrs. Millstone (above) working in their booth...
(Lee & Robin Harrison)
Hen House Primitives
(Cecilia Taylor)

King's Island Primitives
(Kathy Miller)

we had a great time at the show...thanks to all who came out & enjoyed the day with us,
and our thanks to Don & Donna for their hard work & hospitality ~
blessings from the farm,


tj said...

...Oh my. Oh my, my, my. *swoons* This will be one of those events I will definitely have to attend. I can hear me now, "honey, I'm leaving for the Cabin Goods Show. See ya next week."...*giggle* ;o)

...Good thing for the drool rag warning, one needs it before viewing those wonderful photos! Love. Just love. :o)

...Thank you for sharing!

...Peace & Blessings :o)

cucki said...

why i am so far from you?other side of the world :(
beautiful pictures..everything is so so beautiful..
sending you love
cucki xx

Mouse Droppings Folk Art said...

What I wouldn't give to attend a show like this...sigh...Susan

Cathy G. said...

Oh to be in the south and attend a show like that.... outside to boot!! It warms this northerner's blood to see your photos!!
Thanks for your kind words and visit to my blog today!
What a dream fulfilled if we should ever get the chance to hook together!!
Cathy G

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Lots and lots of goodies, you were right. No outdoor shows for us for a few months.

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

I would pretty much bought everything!!! LOL!!!!
