Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

~ Open House Pics ~

I am exhausted.
but feel so full of friendship & thanks.
Alot of work goes into having an open house
~ but they are SO worth it when I get to see friends & folk from near and far....
it was a beautiful day here at the farm, warm-ish and sunny ~
...didn't have to bother heating up the woodstove in the shop even...
(not that we would have needed it, it got pretty full today, and we women can generate some good heat while shopping!!)

so, here are some pics of the day...

but before you continue down, please first let me acknowledge :

Peter ~
you hold my heart in your hands...
you work so hard to make me happy
((& I know I'm not easy to get-along with))
...Thank you for Loving & putting up with me.
I Love You.

Felicia ~
for your Friendship, crazy sense of humor
(I thank God that you 'get me')
and your always-willing-to-help attitude...
I Love You.

Joan ~
for your Friendship,
your uncanny ability to remember small details
& your always-willing-to-help heart...
(you are learning to 'get me'...we do have FUN, don't we?)
I Love You.

{{{ok...enough of that stuff}}}

on with the show~

here is Flea (left) & my SIL Chrissy, looking at a book before the doors opened this morning...
(Chrissy was in her jammie-bottoms, but you didn't hear that from me...notice how I only snapped them from the waist up?)
they are both beautiful......

Below is a snap of the 'Big Table'...the one I try to squish everyone around when I hold a class...
it is in the middle of the shop, smack in front of the counter & woodstove...
you can see Miss Joan's BIG doll couple....
masterful needlework indeed!
(oh yeah, you can see one of my little black bear heads-on-a-bobbin pinkeeps)

here is what you see when you first come in the door to the shop:
a small table flanked by Hitchcock chairs (one is signed) from up-ended box holding a small yule tree...hanging tobacco hands, dolls, books, magazines...Oh My! the left of the table is a display of quilt-shop quality cotton prints (repro Civil War era) ~ above that are my seasonal cross stitch models...

around the other side of the 'pattern room' is where you'll find wool for rug hooking & applique,
carded wool roving for needle felting, & needle punch supplies & patterns...

here is Joan's WONDERFUL early punched tin pie safe, in Oyster-white paint...
I've decorated it with my rolled pillar candles, old feedsacks, fresh greens and
flicker candles...

here is an 'arial-view'...(ok, I stood on a chair)
of Sherry Kristoff's
most-awesome, impeccably stitched & hooked heArtwork....
I devoted an entire table to her wares...

when the box of her Goodes arrived, I literally had to sit down and
look over everything....I can't believe the tiny stitches, perfectly turned edges and LOVE that she pours into each of her creations....
(there are a few of her items left, if you see anything that fancies you, email me QUICK!!)

above is another view of Sherry's outstanding work...
Below is a shot of the front portion of the shop...
"Sherry's table", a corner cupboard, ...and other needful things.

below is a quiet-corner of the shop, near the woodstove ~
a cupboard-on-wheels holds muslin, weavers' cloth & rug linen...

a general view of the shop ~ showing the middle table and other stuff we all need...

and the BIG white cupboard ~ dressed in seasonal frippery...
old tin, white ironstone, & some more good things...

My thanks to all that came out today,
and that support me in my frivolous ways...
I love what I do & I love you too.

blessings from the farm,


Sassafras and Winterberry said...

It's all so beautiful! I wish that I lived closer...I'd have dropped some serious money!! Glad the day was a wonderful success!

Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

Everything was beautiful. I was so glad to see you, Joan and Felicia. Thanks for all your positive thoughts love ya....Thanks...

Raymond Homestead said...

Oh my gosh, I wish I could jump right into the pictures! Thank you for sharing!!

Mugwump Woolies said...

Wow! Absolutely wonderful! Would loved to have been there...would have gone home broke and happy!
Thanks for sharing.

Nancy in MT said...

Wow, triple wows with each picture.
To have been there would have been pure prim pleasure. You and your friends are the essence of prim.

Bittersweetfolkart said...

OMG ..everything looks soo yummy !!
..wish I could have been there to shop but I had a show this weekend .

Hope you all had a great time ~

cucki said...

wow everything is so lovely..thank you for sharing xx

David said...

Oh!!! how I wished I could have stopped by... but well.. France is really too far away !
Beautiful shop and display.

Heidi Steiner said...

So happy your open house was a success. The shop photos are lovely and wish I could have been there to shop till I dropped.

Jane said...

Your shop looks lovely, as always! Glad you had a good turnout!

TheCrankyCrow said...

That is truly a bit of heaven on earth. I would have been on complete sensory overload....and probably put my family into the poorhouse for years to come.... ;o) Looks like an amazingly wonderful show....Hope you spend the day relaxing and "reveling".....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

rememberwhenfarm said...

wow, looks awesome, wished I lived close by. Also, love your banner, you do an amazing job with everything, smiles, Linda

DianeM said...

Oh Lori it all looked so wonderful! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics.
Smiles, DianeM

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

A little behind on blog reading but wanted to say your shop looked wonderful for your open house! If I lived close, I would have been there! Very inviting!