Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, April 06, 2017

~ Sunshine & Shadows ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk...

~ did you have storms last night?...we sure did.

lots of heavy rain, thunder and lightening too.
but 'tis April and we need the rain for the well & gardens,
... so be it.

I woke early this morning, 
{{ to rain on the tin roof mixed with small patches of blue sky & sunshine }}
 before Peter & the roosters even ~

Iggy & I headed downstairs to put the kettle on, 
then came back up to my sewing room do a little stitching.

I love quiet mornings where the house is still ~ 
with nothing but the soothing sound of birds, rain and the kettle whistling...
my stitching chair is a comfy spot to work and dream.

yes, Iggy ~
 mom loves you and you are quite handsome.

 I'm working on new designs for the upcoming
Prim Stitchers Society Retreat& Merchant Mall
May 5th & 6tth 2017
at the Embassy Suites
2886 Airport Drive
 Columbus, Ohio 43219

I'll be a vendor at the Merchant Mall
where you can visit us from 12:30 - 4:30 both days...

I am stitching in my favorite way, 
using a technique that I call 'freehand cross stitch', or UNcounted cross stitch...
you can read my previous postings about this way of stitching by clicking: Here

this isn't hard to do, by any means...
and the look is one I favor as it is extremely humble, naive & primitive.

I design a sketch on paper, 
then I trace the design through my osnaburg {cupboard cloth} using pencil. 

then I just fill-in the motifs using cross stitches and one strand of floss....
I do occasionally use 2 strands,  but I prefer 
one strand because I like the 'lighter' look it gives my work.

 I always wax my threads when I stitch this way, 
to keep from getting knots & tangles...
plus I always over-stain my finished work ~
 and the wax helps keep my threads from soaking up too much of the stain.

the design is one that I did to resemble an antique sampler...
but with motifs close to my heart ~ 
a girl, a goat, a bird...anf flowers & leaves.

all of the penciled lines you see will be filled-in with wonky cross stitches.

I make my cross stitches just like I would if I were counting them,
 as in traditional counted cross stitch ~ making all of my half-stitches to the right first, then coming back to the left and crossing them...
the difference is plain to see though,  that I am NOT counting my stitches,
 nor am I concerned about how many threads I am crossing over.

In traditional cross stitch, 
you would make your cross stitch over 2 strands of linen, or over 1 strand of linen.

you can see in the photo below that I give myself free-reign 
to make my X's that are over 3, 2, and sometimes four threads ~ just stitch to fill in.

You can also see that I DO some-what keep my stitches in rows...
BUT they are far from even or straight!
{ and I like it that way }
no, this look is not for everyone ~ but it makes me happy.

Using mostly DMC cotton floss, 
as I prefer a more plain look to my work than using variegated threads. 
That is not to say that you cannot variegated threads, use what makes you happy!

I choose mellow colors that reflect my personal palette ~
greens, browns, creams & a pop of red.

...and after all is stitched and filled-in, 
I will stain this using my black walnut/spice dye. 
perhaps Peter will make a frame for it, 
or I will turn it into a sawdust/lavender filled pillow?
we'll see....


at the moment, it looks like a cave drawing to me! Ha!
but it is a little goat....

Hoping your day is filled 
with everything and everyone you love...

Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori


Anonymous said...

I love the little goat!! I've always been fascinated with their eyes, the pupils...and they love me, too. Seems like whenever I'm around one, he/she gravitates to me. :). I have done some freehand stitching...but not freehand cross stitching. I like the look very much...seems much more textured to me. Pet Iggy hello for me, Lori, and have a beautiful day!

littlemancat said...

I like this very much - another goat lover! And your colors too.
Just want to say how much I enjoy your posts - they give me a lift.
How perfect a scene - the rain, tin roof, and the tea kettle whistling.
And a beautiful cat friend.

Kathy B. said...

Lori you are such an inspiration. I think I may try your prim cross stitch method. I am currently working on your laundry day punch needle and took the liberty of putting a black cat in the wash basket. I wrote to you some time ago about our donkey (who is eating better now) so my prim cross stitch will include a donkey for sure. Thank you for creating such wonderful designs!

Saundra said...

Storm here came today just after lunch and more rain in the forecast tomorrow. Dang,

I have a wonderful big block of vintage wax which I should use when hand sewing. Thanks for reminding me ~ While I don't do the cross stitch there are many times when the tread will curl on itself and all I'd have to do is wax it. THANKS!!!!

gracie said...

I need a day that I feel brave and I must try this! I love the look.

Annmarie said...

Lori, you are an artist. Your creativeness comes across in the drawings,color choices and the stitching too. I so enjoyed this posting and your explanation -hopefully it will encourage more of us, including me, to try to be creative.Thanks

Three Sheep Studio said...

Sounds like a lovely peaceful morning.
Any early morning with stitching is wonderful.

Cheryl R said...

lovely way to start the day.
I look forward to your posts. always inspirational

elaine allerton said...

Love ur iggy!!! What a sweetie ,,,,, we have a stray kitty , that wandered in our country place,, and stayed,, now 2 years later,,, we love him,,,
Your stitching , is adorable,,, so nice!
Take care,,,, hope spring comes soon,, we just got 12 inches on our deck last night, of heavy wet snow! Yikes, not nice,, should melt if sun out,,,

NMK said...

Love your Free spirted cross stitching ! I love how you sketch your design & just fill it in , No counting those itsy bitsy stitches !!!

susan hemann said...

love it!