Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Telling a Story ~

A wonderful thing has happened ~
three friends have gotten together recreate a cherished & beloved story of Christmastime...

The Night Before Christmas ~ 
A Decorative Retelling of Clement Moore's Endearing Tale
by Mark kimball Moulton ~ Noel Runnals 3rd ~ Verge Prior III

a beautiful journey back in time through photographs and storytelling ~ only these three friends can share.

If you haven't had the pleasure of getting your copy from
you can purchase a copy from me at our Christmas Open House on December 7th here at the farm.

page after page of inspirational decorating ideas, crisp & clear photographs and the story of Christmas...
a book that warms your heart and makes you long for days long ago...

while thumbing through the pages of this book,
my mind wanders to another place in time...

a time perhaps where it was slower paced, family & home were to be honored
 the government was something to be respected and manners meant something.

I try to keep my life simple like that.
simple & right.

the samplers that I'm working on lately
help me to connect to that place & time by allowing my heart & hands to tell a story on thread....

I love not counting threads and stitches, 
just allowing my thoughts to dictate what appears on my cloth
and seeing what comes from that ~

Christmas sampler in progress ~
 candle light & music help me travel back.... tell a story with my needle & thread ~

* Blessed be *


Lori Ann Corelis said...

And what lovely stories you tell m'dear!


Trudy Honeycutt ~ Folk Artist said...

Simple and right is wonderful...and something I wish we all would implement today!!

jennifer768 said...

Simple and beautiful,what an inspiring lady you are Lori.Hugs,Jen

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I love the story you tell. Wishing you lots of relaxing stitching.

gracie said...

So glad I stopped by today

Jeanne said...

I was lucky enough to get a signed copy of The Night Before's a wonderful book ! Loving your new designs.

Unknown said...

I love it!...such freedom!nDefiinitely going to give it a try. Thanks for all your inspiration,Lori!

NMK said...

I am thrilled to see Twas The Night Before Christmas will be at your open house !!!! Noel, Verge & Mark have done a beautiful job with this story. They are all very talented & together have created a very special book. I bought 3 copies, one for my brand new Grand Daughter , one for me & Grandpa to read & one for another little one due in April !!!! It be our family tradition to read it every Christmas Eve . The photographs are beautiful !

Heather said...

What an enchanting little book! I'd love to peek inside. And love the little free form piece you're working on. I so admire your work! I wish I had the patience and skill for stitching!

saltandpepper said...

Lori- Thank you for the book idea. It looks lovely. I also wanted to tell you I love the picture in your blog heading of the woman. Is that picture from a book?

CHL-Circa Home Living said...

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You from The Three Merry Men! Your kind words have warmed our hearts. We so appreciate you sharing the book with your followers. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and wish you a most Happy Christmas surrounded by family & friends! All our holiday best -Noel, Verge & Mark-

annie said...

Wonderful post!

Debra said...

Such beautiful images and heart-warming thoughts! I ordered my copy of the book from Circa Home Living several days ago, and I eagerly await its arrival.

Karen said...

Oh, I can't wait to retire from nursing! Though I will always be a nurse in my heart, I learned to cross stitch when I was 8 and did my first sampler! Well, stamped cross stitch that is, but my mother did a sampler (this was in 1960ish) so I was near one! Anyway, your idea is so dreamy!