Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Winter Classes beginning at Notforgotten Farm ~

Hello Friends & Folk!

I am happy to say that we will begin a new season of classes here at the farm shop ~
I will be listing all of the classes on the 
link over there on my sidebar to your right ~

Our first class is going to be taught by friend
Nancy Bauer (remember she taught us how to make Lavender Wands?)
She will be teaching a dual-class here on 
Saturday,November 23rd from 11:00 - 3:00
the two class projects will be this beautifully simple 
 ~ Burlap Wreath ~

burlap wreath model made by Nancy Bauer
this wreath can be left as is, simple and so primitive looking and left up all year ~
Nancy will be bringing drieds & such to decorate your wreath the way you'd like to....

add your favorite drieds and such at the class ~

I can't wait to make mine!!
 The second class project that will be taught the same day (after the wreath class) will be
~ Organic Healing Salve ~

Organic Healing Salve
 Nancy gifted me with a tin-full of her salve last year
and I use it constantly for my chapped hands ~
it is so soothing and it smells wonderful!

so pretty
as a needleworker and someone who works with wools,
my hands are always in need of a little TLC...
this salve is earth friendly and you will see how Nancy makes it right here in our shop!

We are limiting this double-class to 8 students only and I already have 3 signed up,
so if you'd like to attend, please email me asap at 
the class fee for both projects is $35.00 per student...

hope you can make it to this wonderfully creative class!

I will be updating the class schedule 
((as mentioned at the beginning of this post))
 ~ I'm working on a wool appliquĂ© project at the moment 
which will be the class model for our January class...
(no class in December due to our Open House on Dec. 7th and then the Holidays)

Hoping you are all enjoying this beautifully crisp weather 
...with a little handwork & hot spiced cider :)

*Blessed be, my Friends* 
 ~ Lori ~


gracie said...

Oh how I wish I could visit and take the class....sounds wonderful!I love the wreath!

Robin said...

sure wish the Open House for the shop was a different weekend.