Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, October 05, 2013

A Christmas Sneak Peek ~

Hello Friends & Folk!

hoping this post finds you all well, happy & busy ~
we have been quite busy here at the farm ~ working on new items for our 
Christmas Open House on December 7th...

here is a preview of snippets from my new designs-to-come:

"Woodland Christmas" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ stitched onto 40ct. Old Farmhouse Linen
using1 strand of floss over 2 threads of linen
I LOVE my little squirrels!!

"Dear Santa" ©Notforgotten Farm ~ stitched onto 30ct Old Farmhouse Linen
using1strand of floss over 2 threads of linen
 the words "kitten" & "home" are stitched over 
one thread onto the 30ct linen as shown in pics above & below...

polka dot kitten!

wording in the "Dear Santa" sampler
 this one below is in honor of Pinocchio, our boy-donkey:

"Christmas Donkey" Notforgotten Farm ~ stitched onto 3oct Old Farmhouse Linen
using 1 strand of floss over 2 threads of linen

hi nocchi!!!

berry-tipped feather tree...
this one is called...
"Mary Snow" ©Notforgotten Farm stitched onto 30ct Old Farmhouse Linen
using one strand of floss over 2 threads of linen

love these colors of thread ~


folky flower
I will be releasing these, a couple of holiday punch needle designs, 
some new wooden items and frames
and other 
in mid to late October so you'll have them in time for your holiday Merrye Making ~
I will be leaving for a much-needed trip to Connecticut on Monday the 7th of October
to visit with my Mom & family ~ play in the old graveyards there, take pretty pictures, eat good food and rest up a bit before the holiday rush.

I will have my laptop with me so if you need me just holler!
Peter, Chris & Felicia will be here holding down the fort (farm) so you can contact them if need be.

The kits for the last LSHC have begun shipping so expect yours within a couple of days...
my thanks to all of my 'charter' members who have renewed their membership for 2014 and to all of you who have joined as new members!!!!
I have a bunch of awesome new designs for the 2014 club year that I cannot wait to share with you ~

Hoping you all have a beautifully creative weekend my Friends ~

*Blessed be*
 ~ Lori ~


Sandra said...

Everything looks wonderful Lori. As usual!
Thanks for your friendship!
Homespun Elegance

HomeSpunPrims said...

Such tantalizing glimpses! Your work always inspires. Can't wait to see your designs and new offerings. Have a wonderful time with your mom and family. Hugs, Lori

Debra said...

I just adore the squirrels and acorns. So much to look forward to! I live in Port Chester, NY, right on the CT state line, so give a wave as you pass through!

Unknown said...

awesome talent, as always !!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How many wonderful treasures, can't wait to see them all!!!

Nancy Bauer said...

So many wonderful designs, they are beautiful Lori! Safe travels and a restful trip! Will see you when you get back :)

My Colonial Home said...

Wonderful design - I may be interested in the needle punch.

denise said...

can't wait to see the christmas patterns

Magiczny Świat Krzyżyków said...

Everything is beautiful!

Unknown said...

hi , is evelyne from France.
Lori , I love your designs. your book is good arrived in my House : I love your cross stitch , and your punchneedle. thanks.
see a later , kisses , evelyne.

Maria said...

Lori, You are such a tease.....the colors, the designs, the subject matter all make my heart go pitter patter. You are the master of design. Maria

Anonymous said...

You make my head spin, and my eyes turn green with envy. I don't know how you do it! But...grateful you do. Love the tease and will keep tuned in for the unveiling. Have a wonderful trip to CT.


Linda said...

Can't wait to see the finished product! The snippets are peaking my curiosity! Love the kitty cats...

Please post some pictures from the graveyards you visit!

Linda in VA

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

Love the stitching...
Just a quick note to let you know I picked up a copy of CS and enjoyed the article on your heartfelt home. It looks very cozy and I appreciate your use of colour.
Susan x

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
Enjoy your trip . . . may your spirit be renewed!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous bits and pieces! bask in the love of your family and soak up all that rest and relaxation!


Faye said...

Beautiful peeks... My, I DO like those colors.... Enjoy your trip ...~