Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, September 02, 2013

After the storm ~

I posted these on my Facebook page last night ~
we had a bad storm come through at about 4:15 last evening...
only lasted for 1/2 an hour, but it was intense!

took down my old, old black walnut in the back of the farmhouse ~
nearly missing the back of what is our pantry and breakfast nook:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

little Minew was so scared...
 I HATE when big old trees come down ~
this one was almost completely hollow and it had seen better days
 ~ many of them as I figure it to be a good 50 - 60 yr old tree...

the blacksnakes would slither into the branches of this old tree 
 ~ and sun themselves on early spring mornings.
The baby hummingbirds would rest on the smaller leaves 
near the edge of the tree's canopy and chitter to their parents ~

I will miss the shade it provided for us as well as shelter for our fur & feather friends ~
it's time has come and Mother Nature always knows best so Peter will take what wood he can salvage and I know he'll use it to make something beautiful.

goodbye ~ old friend
 It is hot, humid and sticky out again today.
I do not like it this way. 
at all. I don't like the farmhouse closed up with the air on ~ 
... I'd rather it be wide open with cool breezes flowing through it.
since I'm in here, and working in my sewing room I decided to spiffy it up.
( I tend to be a messy creator!)

here is my 'hub'
yes, that is a Mac and a laptop.
...both on simultaneously.

operations department

i added a chair to the other side of my desk for visitors.
(ok....Peter, Flea and of course Iggy.)

sewing station

arial view

view from the sewing station

view from the 'hub'
 and wanted to say that this little pendant will be ending today on Ebay ~
thanks for all of your nice comments!

thank you for visiting my auctions!

Have a peaceful & creative day my Friends ~

Lori from 
Notforgotten Farm


Nancy Bauer said...

Sorry about your old tree, its always sad to lose a friend like that :( We endured the storm from atop a mountain in Jeeps on a trail, it was REALLY bad, water was everywhere...I was glad I was in a jeep with the doors still on, the other ones didn't and they got SOAKED needless to say...your sewing room looks lovely, enjoy!!

Chris said...

Sorry for the loss of the old tree. Those storms were pretty fierce yesterday.
The hub looks wonderful.

linda said...

Sorry about your tree; I get attached to them also. Black walnut is a beautiful wood and I know Peter will treat it with dignity whatever special item it becomes.
Your sewing room is filled with inspiration and beauty-beautiful baskets and chests and scissors!
Minew has grown so you can tell she is loved and cared for!

Sandra said...

Oh my gosh, you, Peter and your house were so lucky. I know you will miss that tree but it will live on forever in what Peter creates.
Homespun Elegance

Pam in IL said...

We had storms yesterday at the same time you did. We had several tornadoes touch down, but no injuries that we've heard of yet. Sorry about the tree, but glad it didn't land on the house. Love your sewing hub!

Doreen Frost said...

oh goodness. SO glad it did not hit your house. It is so very sad when olde tree's fall :(.

LOVE your cozy sewing area :)


Jennifer said...

How sad about the tree. But the thought of it become a beautiful wood-work item in the future is inspiring. Nature has a way of sorting things out.