Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Subtle Changes ~

Taking our morning walk, 
Lazy & I are noticing the subtle changes occurring ever so quietly here...

 there is a 'feeling' in the air ~
the faint scent of things-to-come....
yes, that would be AUTUMN!!

c'mon boy ~ let's go for a walk!

Our walks aren't hurried.
they are purposely slow and mindful...
...exercising the soul more than the body.

I stop many times to breathe, admire and ponder ~ and look for the beauty around me:

turkey feather

 Our path leads us to the little graveyard that we take care of ~
where the Proffit family peacefully rests...

ancient stones & cedars

beautiful resting place
 Near the headstones I find a small cache of beechnuts ~
looks like friend Squirrel has been busy...

tiny toadstools near a headstone

twisted branches
 We can see changes to the trees.
mottled colors so vibrant against the green...

spotted leaf and another turkey feather
 Lazy is getting on in years, so we decide to turn and head back home...

shop in the distance

another beautiful decaying leaf
 we stop for a moment to check the pumpkins:
they've begun to turn ~

and finally reach our farmhouse front porch~

Welcome A U T U M N indeed!!

Lori from
 Notforgotten Farm


backporchcarver said...

Beautiful and peaceful , just what I needed this morning, thanks for sharing.

Barbara said...

Felt like I was walking with you. For a brief moment all was calm. Thank you.

Debbie Johnson said...

Thanks for letting me come along with you and Lazy on your beautiful walk.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Autumn to arrive either, it's my favorite season next to Winter. But I live in Southern California and our summer goes on and on even when it says Autumn on the calendar. I wish to live someplace with seasons someday.

Penny said...

Enjoyed this post... I, too, went along on that walk with you and Lazy.... so peaceful and pretty. I'm looking forward to cooler days, too, and the changing colors... Thanks for sharing!

marly said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want summer to be over! Every time I see a leaf on the ground I pick it up and hide it so I'm not reminded. But I did enjoy the walk.

queenmum said...

Loved the photos of your walk, but especially of your dog. He reminds me so of my dear, departed Dinah. Thanks for reminding us that Autumn is on it's way, even though school is starting for we teachers tomorrow, with temps in the humid 80's. Cannot wait for cool crispness!

Jane said...

A beautiful walk at magical Notforgotten Farm!!

Debra said...

Lazy looks exactly like my dear, departed Shadoe, right down to the "eyeglasses". We adopted her as a puppy from a shelter, and we were blessed with her company for 15 years. Your farm looks so peaceful, and certainly has that pre-autumn look!

Raymond Homestead said...

What a beautiful walk!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful walk with us. Mouse

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

Ahh a nice lazy walk. Thanks for taking us along.

Unknown said...

That was a lovely walk...Thanks Lori!

You live in such a beautiful landscape!

Can't wait for Autumn,

Rugs and Pugs said...

That grey face melts my heart.
Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs :)

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Such a wonderful walk! Thanks for taking me along, I enjoyed seeing the beauty along the way and of course having a wonderful travel companion like Lazy, makes the walk more enjoyable~