Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, August 12, 2013

{ read all about it! }

Howdy Folks!

please go visit
a brand new blog that the Kansas City Star Book company
has just for lovers of cross stitch:
to read my little Q & A interview 
and read about the other authors that I am blessed to be in the company of!

let me know what you all think!

Lori from 
Notforgotten Farm


Kathy Barrick said...

Wonderful interview and gorgeous photos!! Congratulations Lori!


Mary A said...

Just finished reading the interview and it is wonderful! I love the feline technique of resting your work on your assistant as you stitch. =^.^= Mary A

Christine said...

Great interview! Congratulations!

Merry Wind Farm said...

Hi, Lori,
Wonderful interview, thanks for sharing. I have just posted on my blog about beginning to chart my first reproduction sampler, Dorothy Crawford 1845 using your 30 ct linen.

Sandra said...

Delightful interview Lori. I loved the pictures of you stitching in your garden. So special.
Homespun Elegance

LauraP said...

Great. Love to see what is coming.

Parlor Room Ponderings said...

Enjoyed the interview. Loved the picture of you stitching with your cat! They always get first say don't they?!
Blessings, Diane

Sheri said...

Congratulations, Lori. A very good interview and pictures.


Linda said...

Thanks for sharing Lori this is great! Linda

NMK said...

I just read your interview .... it was great , and your kitty laying in your lap while you stitched was so cute ! Congratulations !!!

Nancy Bauer said...

Wonderful interview and pictures Lor1, congrads! Can't wait for the book...happy stitching :)

Debbie Johnson said...

Loved the interview and the picture of you and your kitty was so sweet! Can't wait for your book to come out!!

From Sherry's Heart said...


BrendaS said...

Very nice interview. Congratulations!

Robin in Virginia said...

Thanks for the link to Star Stitch! Enjoyed reading their blog along with your interview! Looking forward to seeing your book when it becomes available.

Robin in Virginia

Jennie Lynn @ Appleseed Prim said...

Wonderful interview. Seemed like it must have been fun! Nothing you dislike about cross stitching? I got one --- frogging. I had to do some last night. It wasn't much and I still hated every second of it!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

I Stand Corrected Jennie Lynn!
You are right..froggin' is the pits...I just wanted to pretend that I didn't do much of that kind of thing! ha!
~ Lori
p.s. why aren't you blogging???