Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

{ Plunder & Pain }

Soooooo I was cleaning the house yesterday
to get it nice for our out-of-state inlaws' visit...
I was innocently walking through Hannah's bedroom when
 I whacked my right hand on her bathroom doorknob.
here is a shot of my normal left hand:

here is a shot of my abnormaly large right hand:
and of course I am right handed,
 but somewhat ambidextrous so I can maneuver ok....
lots of ice, advil, tylenol and elevation.
that's gonna leave a mark, huh?
Oh well...
here are a few snaps of the goodies
I brought home with me
from our trip to Kathy's ~
ironstone compote

ironstone pitcher on the far right ~ love the discoloration

tin shoe pincushion

beautiful white wood and wire birdcage

cream colored flower gathering basket

another little white basket

a beautiful bottle with birdcage-stopper

close-up of soldered birdcage-stopper

wire paper racks for my desk organization

a shot of my desk/worktable
I hope you are all staying cool in this miserable heat!!!
and remembering to offer constant,
fresh cool water to our outside fur and feathered friends ~
I'm off to get more ice for that hand now,
and maybe slip
a few cubes
down into
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Kathy Barrick said...

Poor Baby!! I hope your hand heals quickly and you are back in action in no time. Love your new treasures!!

The Eveningstitcher said...

Gosh, Lori...your hand looks baby! I can't believe how you scored with all your finds!! I love the bird cage bottle stopper unique...and the ironstone...ahhhhhh.....ironstone! Take care....

Sandra said...

Oh my, you really did some damage to that hand and I guess you really did some damage to your check book with all of those great finds. Some seriously good antiquing. Take care of that hand. I hope you can still stitch, draw, punch etc.
Homespun Elegance

Cathy G. said...

Ouch!! Lori you did a number on that hand! Hope it heals up quickly! Now I know how you southern gals stay cool on these hot days! The ol' ice down the bra trick! LOL! LOVE all your treasures! Really enjoyed seeing Kathy's home in your last post too.... it makes me wanna move in the worst way!
Stay out of trouble now!!
Cathy G

gracie said...

Ouch. I have banged my hand the same way..but not with swelling like you have. Ice and more ice.

Robin said...

Ye-Otch! Hope it is better soon.

Lee said...

Lori, don't forget the frozen bag of peas. Lots less messy. that your embroidery in the white basket? Do you sell the pattern? Thanks. Lee

denise said...

ouch!!! hope it gets bettter soon. stay cool!! denise

Unknown said...

Oh, poor hand I'm sorry!!!

NMK said...

Ouch...I have done that too, hope it doesn't keep you from stitching & painting ... that's what happens when you have to do housework , especially in this heat ! What great treasures you found !

Barb said...

I'm so sorry about your hand! I hope it heals very fast. You did get a great bunch of goodies!

marly said...

Advil - my favorite drug. Hope it helps you and heals quickly. Nice finds!

Mouse said...

my first thought was ouchieeee and my second was think you need to go and get that looked at .... hope it is feeling much better now and thankfully today at the mouse house over the pond it is cooler PHEW mouse xxxxx