Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

{ Changing Seasons...}

I'm switching gears for the moment...
to work on a project that will be in the upcoming Christmas Issue of
magazine ~
I was asked by friend/publisher Tess Rosch to submit a punch needle pattern project
 for the issue's readers here it is in a somewhat obscure sneak-preview:
get those Punch Needles ready folks!!!
close up of front of project
... who says Christmas has to be all red & green and sparkly?
I like a more subdued palette and Old World designs
but with my folky twist on things ~

view of back of project
 the project is
 'A Quaker's Stocking'
kind of my take on those beautiful Quaker motifs we find on the antique cross stitch samplers,
but in this case done in thousands of tiny loops of thread instead of x's...
another view of the back, or working side ~

I'm having fun working on this ~
I've been cross stitching for months now and to punch is a welcomed diversion :)

view of front again, love those tiny loops ~ can't wait to fill it all in.
visit my Youtube channel to watch my punch needle tutorial
by clicking on the little 'youtube' button on my sidebar ~

back view again

I love those colors ~ soot, moss, bone....certainly not traditional red & green ~
 I will share more snaps when finished.
Look for the Christmas Issue of
on newsstands in another month or so,
or better yet,
gift yourself with a subscription to this beautifully published magazine ~
speaking of Christmas,
here are a few snaps of our Nandina bushes ~
they are bursting with berries this year due to the heavy rains and high temps:
loverly little berries
 these will turn a brilliant copper-red as the temps cool
and are perfect for decorating the farmhouse when dried...

hundreds of them ~ can't wait till they turn!

we have two of these bushes next tot he farmhouse front porch,
where I can watch their progress from my porch swing....
and keep an eye on them so no one eats the berries!!
(danged Guinea Hens!)

Have a beautiful day my friends!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Hatcreek said...

Enjoy life!

Bittersweetfolkart said...

How exciting ..congrats !!

Just emailed you pics of what my husband and his pal did to my nandina :(

Nancy Bauer said...

Notforgotten will be booming this Christmas between EAL and Country Sampler...congrads Lori! The stocking looks great, I do love to punch so I will look forward to that project :)

My Nandinas are down by the old fallen down house here at my farm, I will have to check them. Here at my home I have huge Winterberry shrubs which are loaded with berries this year, fortunately the birds don't eat the berries until AFTER the holidays so there are plenty to decorate with...

Enjoy your punching!

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

I love this stocking!!! I want to try it...


Nancee said...

OMG...that Magazine is like a bible to me Can't wait to get that issue and punch up that stocking for my fireplace mantle...

Christine Crocker said...

Congratulations, Lori!

I always love to see what's new at Notforgotten Farm.
I love your new stocking for EAL~ the colors you've chosen for your Christmas stocking just sing to me!


Merry Wind Farm said...

Hi, Lori,
Can't wait to get the Christmas issue with your design in it. I always look forward to the EAL in the mailbox!

Barb said...

The Nandinas are going to be beautiful!!