Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

{ testing...1 2 3 }

I will now attempt to upload pictures onto this blog.
attempt #1:
okedokee then..
onto what I wanted to show you yesterday!
here are the new racks that Peter built for my patterns...
they are wall racks that are about 8 feet high!!
if you've been a visitor to the shop previously, you'll remember that is was kind of difficult to sort through the file of patterns to find the one you were looking for...
well, not any more!!
Notforgotten Farm's
cross stitch and punch needle patterns are snug in their new, alphabetized racks!
makes things MUCH easier :)))
... you might notice too,
 that the cross stitch is now where the punch needle was,
and vice-versa...
we needed the room for the models to display better
~ and this was what worked best ~
 I am love-ing how all of my larger cross stitch models look now...
they are hung properly and you can better see each one ~

a small change, but a BIG difference!

and the punch needle patterns are on the opposite wall above the fabric bolts...
the punch needle patterns now correspond and are found on the same side with their models,
the same for the cross stitch...

here is a view straight on into the pattern room:
you can see the rack of xstitch to your left, the rack of punch needle to your right, on the far wall.

I am one happy girl!!
Thank  you,
my sweet hubby and to my hard working dad-in-law too...
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Pam said...

Oh how I "wish" I lived closer to visit your shop. I love how everything is displayed. There just isn't any substitution for actually seeing the models in person. :-)

Maybe some day..... Pam/in PA.

backporchcarver said...

Thanks for sharing pictures of your shop. I love it, it just invites you in and says "welcome friend".nvonly used

Cathy G. said...

Wow Lori! You and Peter have done it again! The perfect display! Doesn't it feel good to be so organized?! Your magnificent body of work deserves the proper and gorgeous display!
Well done!
Cathy G

Kathy L. said...

Love how it looks. I wish I lived in your neck of the woods.
I'd be at your store all the time. Someday I hope to make a visit.


annie said...

It all lokks so very appealing, I would love to come and see your shop if the opportunity ever presents itself for me, I will! They did a great job, happy for you!

Jodi S said...

I would love to visit your shop some day. It just looks so inviting! Mission accomplished!

Jacqueline said...

Really lookin good..

Marlene said...

You're shop looks marvelous!
Someday maybe I'll be able to stop by and sit and stay awhile.
It all looks wonderful!
I'm in CA.

Barbara said...

Everything looks great. So warm, cozy and inviting. I would spend all day, every day in your shop just looking at all the wonderful items trying to decide on a project. Oh, if only I lived closer.
Barbara in California

Angie Burrett said...

I want to visit! It looks so inviting and full of wonderful goodies. One day I will come over and see it all for myself! x

Jeanne said...

Wow Lori...this is looking wonderful. I see a road trip in my future. I have a brother who lives in Warrenton, VA and other relatives in Roanoke, I'm going to make it a point of visiting your place too ! Might as well cover the whole state. :)

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I agree with Cathy G. That's a whole lot of creativity on those walls and now they're displayed in the proper fashion. It really looks super and Peter does fine work. It's so nice to have a hubby with such know how. My hub is the same way. We're lucky. I'm sure your visitors will love viewing all your patterns in their new display.
Smiles, Nan

Saundra said...

I'm impressed and just wish I lived closer. As each of your pictures appeared I studied each one but not able to get the full benefit as if I were there in person.

You're quite lucky to have such talented and helpful men in the family. And, bet you'll have better sales now that the patterns can be seen easily.


Jennifer said...

Hope to get down that way some day! What a beautiful shop!

NMK said...

Your new displays for your beautiful designs looks perfect ! I dream of visiting your charming shop some day !!!

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

What a beautiful shop,it is so inspiring just to see the pictures of it.

janeks said...

Oh how I wish we had a shop like yours! Or that I was closer:-)

Val Reaves said...

Well done! Looks wonderful!
Val in Kansas :-)

Tracy said...

Lori, the shop looks fantastic! I can't wait to visit again :0)
Love Tracy

Beehive Needleworks said...

What a marvelous shoppe Lori! And to have goodies created by your dear heart's hands...treasures surely.