Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, June 03, 2013

{ Lavender Days }

we finally had some rain ~
the gardens were in need of a nice, cool drink.
our Lavender is huge this year, due to the hot, dry weather we've been having as of late...

it is just beginning to bloom ~
the very tips of the buds are opening today.
the entire garden smells like heaven!

my dear Friend, Nancy
will be coming here on Saturday, June 22nd
to teach a class on how to make
Lavender Wands,
as seen below ~

if you'd like to come out for the class, email me at & I'll sign you up ~
~ the cost of the class is only $10.00

Nancy will be bringing along her delectable
lavender pound cake with lemon herb butter
lemonade with hibiscus/lavender syrup
and other herb-infused treats as well ~

 I'll make sweet tea with lavender sugar,
and lavender/blueberry muffins...
Minew approves of the class and can't wait to greet you inside the Garden Gate...

...she loves her belly tickled
and will play hide-and-seek in the strawberry patch with you!

just outside the gate, in the wild grapevine ~
a mother Mockingbird has built her nest and her hatchlings have arrived ...
here are two with one yet to pop out:

and here is Mother Mockingbird ~
keeping a close eye on our little Minew below ...

I do hope you'll come learn how to make the Lavender Wands ~
the shop will surely smell wonderful from scent of the lavender...
~ come be inspired!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Christie said...

Beautiful pictures. Minew looks so happy & healthy. I am glad you two found each other. :-) Definitely a gift from nature.

Jane said...

Lovely photos, as always! Minew looks precious. I'm going to sign up for the class for the lavender wand.

Nancee said...

You make me want to live in the South...My lavender plants did not survive the winter, so I'm starting again. Hope springs eternal.

Sandra said...

You are so lucky to have that patch of lavender. I have the worst time getting it to thrive in my garden. I am going to try one more time. How long did it take to get that big? Beautiful pictures as usual.
Homespun Elegance

My Colonial Home said...

Your garden is so beautiful...Prim Perfect!!
What fun to be able to look at that all day long. of my favorite scents. All my soaps, line sprays are Lavender - such a fresh clean smell.

Minew is luck he's living so far from me because you just might find him missing if I was closer - what a beautiful kitty.


summersundays-jw said...

Wish I could come. My lavender looks just like yours this's huge. Seems to be a good year in Mo. to be a gardener.

Anonymous said...

i'm seriously considering moving to Amherst, VA so that i can attend your classes and open houses, and so that i can wander through your gardens and meet all your furry and feathered friends. your blog lifts my spirits every time ~ thank you, Lori!


denise said...

sounds like so much fun. wish i was there, denise

Saundra said...

I love lavender and used to have several plants and they did well for while but then got too woody. Yours look lovely.


Jennifer said...

What beautiful photos, especially the ones of Minew. Is she a new kitty of yours? She looks young.