Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

{ getting to the point...}

When Obsession Strikes: name is Lori & I am a Fiber Addict.
(feeling better now)
Since my last post,
I decided that I must would actually do a little needlepoint.
You see, I get these ideas in my head and they never leave.
(well, unless I release them in some form or fashion...)
 so I started on this new design...
it is called
"Reverend Gourdon Squashbottom"
(Miss Felicia aka Flea) is stitching the cross stitch model presently)
I decided to start it in needlepoint....

since I already had the design charted through my software program,
I simply converted the charting from symbols to color blocks...
(I love a good brain fart...sorry to offend)
but what I did NEXT made me squeal and do a happy dance!
I placed the printed color chart down on my lightbox, then I placed my 18 gauge canvas down on top of that, making sure the lines were straight on the grain, and then I
TRACED the outline of the whold design onto the canvas!

I really had no clue as to how this would work out, but I am happy to report that it is working
I am still counting the color blocks, but having the outline there is SO much easier...
in fact, I was stitching along, grinning a Kool-Aid grin when I noticed something:
I completely stitched in his mouth!!!!
oh well, I'll go back & fill it in with french knots...yeah...that's what I'll do!

the #3 perle cottons are so nice to use with this 18count canvas...
really fills up quickly, and they have a soft, mellow sheen to them
...which I think lends a nice glow to my work.
of course, I may overstain the entire piece when I'm finished,
but we'll cross that bridge.....

what do you think about the paper charting?
it's big, easy to see & (I think) easy on the eyes.
of course, the BACKGROUND of this design will be completely filled in,
unlike a regular cross stitch design...
...but I'm looking forward to the finish to actually see the design completely filled in.
I'm thinking of filling it in with ECRU floss and then staining it.
There you have it.
my new obsession.
I'll share more progress pics soon,
...and pics of the shop too!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


New York Dreamer Cross Stitch said...

like I are so talented!! very nice job Lori....and yes I am addicted to fibers as well!!

woolwoman said...

Love the design Lori - why not tea dye some ecru wool or a wool/silk blend for your backround - very samplerish me thinks ! Can't wait till I can get one too ! Melody

Unknown said...

Love it! can't wait 'til you make the kits available!

Prim blessings,

Mouse Droppings Folk Art said...

Ever the creative one...that's you!!! Good luck with this endeavor...I am sue it will be successful! Cheers, Susan

Anonymous said...

Love it Lori!...wonderful idea to trace the design on. I've reading to do on this needlepoint thingy...loving the look of yours.

NMK said...

What a Wonderful Brain Fart !!!! I Love It !!!! I know it will turn out awesome , you are so talented...I could use a blast of your energy, I am in a lazy slump.

Three Sheep Studio said...

Clever, clever you !!!
Don't you just LOVE when it all comes together. ;)

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Wow!!!! When you say your going to do something you mean it!
Wonderful and looks easy peasy!!!
Can't wait to see it all finished up.
Prim Blessings

Sonja of Hickety Pickety said...

I think it's FABULOUS!!! And using the cotton thread instead of the traditional wool thread, is much easier on the old check book!!

Happy Stitching!
Sonja/Hickety Pickety

Jennifer said...

He is just wonderful, and I love his name! I am passionate about anything pumpkin-related.
I just go crazy over a good "ahh-haa moment"! The lightbox Idea sounds wonderful.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

New obsession = Good!!! :-)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Exciting! :)

usagypsy said...

Love it! Love the colors, the design and especially making the pattern easy on tired old eyes like mine ;)

Jacqueline said...

You are always thinking and doing ! Can't wait to see the finished project.

Theresa said...

Love it Lori!!!