Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

{ strawberries and spoonflower }

Happy Wednesday to you Folks!
...what a beautiful morning, isn't it?
I picked fresh strawberries from our little patch this morning ~

not too many yet,
but these were ripe and waiting to fill our cereal bowls ~
now, to add just a dusting of freshly ground cinnamon & a sprinkle of brown sugar...

and I've uploaded three new designs in my Spoonflower shop ~


"sepia folk"
as soon as I receive the proof swatches, they will be ready for sale...
there are a few other designs in the Spoonflower shop so go take a peek if you're so inclined.
All of the designs in my Spoonflower shop will be available as
Fabric, Gift Wrap and Wallpapaer!!!
when you visit Spoonflower, click on the design you like, then click on the view you'd like to see it in (wallpaper, gift wrap, will show you a graphic of how my designs look in that form)
See the new header at the top of this blog?
well, you DO have my permission to stitch it if you'd like to...
I'm not including floss colors on this one, so you may choose your colors yourself ~
if you DO stitch it, I would LOVE to see your finished work, so please email me pics of it
I'm going to stitch it, then make it into a sawdust pillow
and use some of my new strawberry fabric for the backing :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday my Friends!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


TeresaM said...

The strawberries look yummy!!! Can't wait to feast on some fresh ones!

Your new materials are fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

Favolous stawberry!!!
Also wonderful designs!

NMK said...

Ohhhhh, LOVE your header today !!!! Wish I could stitch faster !!! Plus ,I need new glasses ! Your strawberries look yummy !!!

Trace4J said...

I love strawberries.
Mine are just growing here in Pa.
Can't wait to make some jam.
Love your beautiful header.
Woolie Hugs

countrygarden said...

Nice strawberries! Love your Spoonflower fabrics!

Gayle said...

Mmm......those look so good! I made two batches of strawberry jam a couple of days ago - my family loves it. One of our favorite ways to eat them is to dip them in sour cream, then roll them in brown sugar - YIKES that's good! Love your new designs.

NIKY said...

Coming here is always such a wonderfull surprise. Thanks for sharing my dear!