Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

{ saturday musings }

we had a nice day in the shop today...
friends Cindy & Joan came out to hook with me,
and we were visited by
Pat & Karen as well ~
always nice to see folks out & about enjoying the weekends :)
I worked a little on that antique adaptation that I shared with you a few weeks back ~
here is my progress so far:
(not much, I know, but it is an 'in between' project for me at the moment)
I hooked the central tree, and hooked some of the leaves and flowers...
but I wanted to incorporate some hand dyed wool pennies that I marbelized
using Karen's (primitivespirit) technique...
I'm really liking how they look stitched primitively onto the rug
with the higher loops pulled around them...what do you think of the contrast?

here's a close up of the appliqued penny ~
(love how the colors blended and married in the 'stew' pot)

and here's the other penny...
this one I will hook higher loops around for dimensional petals in contrasting colors...
red? purple? hmmm....

...and here is a finished runner that Cindy (mountainhollow)
punched today using wool yarns
and her Oxford punch ~
Baa Baa Blacksheep....
close up of the yarn loops ~

I belong to an online group called
Rug Hooking Daily
and today's discussion was about on-line tutorials...
here is a link for a fantastic finishing (or starting?) technique:
while Joan, Peter & I were preparing to close the shop for the day,
Peter looked out one of our windows and said loudly:
"There's a cat fighting with a snake outside!"
Joan & I ran to the window and there was a tiny, skeletal kitten...
batting at a blacksnake that was a good 3 feet long!!!!

so I (of course) ran outside and by the time I got close to them, the kitten had KILLED that blacksnake, and was mewing at me!!!!!

I scooped her up and brought her inside the shop...
she was SOOOOO friendly and affectionate ~ I scoured her for fleas & ticks and to my amazement had only a couple...her little bones were sticking out through her fur and she was as light as a feather...surely malnourished.
So, I (of course x 2) ran to the house for some kitty food and fresh water
and brought it back to the shop for her....
she gobbled it up and lapped up some water and purred
and made muffins with her little velvet mittens ~
I have named her 'Minew' (actually I named her Minuette becasue she is so small) but Minew is the sound she makes and the name just seems to fit her.
and here she is ~

i am smitten with this kitten from the woods...
a tiny gift that lifted my heart today
and made me cry ~
 ( sorry for making you cry too, friend Joan)
but I love animals so deeply and I can't help but remember my Suzy
whom I lost in February,
and I believe this little one was just out there waiting to find me...

Peter has already fallen for her, and has built her a warm,
safe & dry kitty house on the farmhouse front porch ~
safe inside the confines of the picket fence.
we'll keep you posted as to her progress >^..^<
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


annie said...

loving the so far, esp. the tree & the pennies. seems like a brave daring feline, might just be perfect for farm life. Happy Mother's Day Lori!

Sandra said...

She is precious Lori! I guess she is your new baby. Happy Mother's Day~
Homespun Elegance

Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

I am so glad that I was able to spend the day with my best gal pals. And I glad to see a new little friend found you :) It was just meant to happen. Have a safe trip and I will see you when you get back.
P.S. I see Im gone again :( hehehe
Cindy Lu

Maria said...

Lori, What a little sweetie. Love her little mitten paws. Maria

Lynn said...

Hi Lori, Minew is adorable and I think she is a Mothers Day Gift for you. Keep us posted on her progress. Lynn

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

What a sweet story of little Minew--Actually, Tasha Tudor had a kitty named I think "Minou" which is French for "puss"! Anyway, I love the sound of it and her sweet face. Every night I sleep next to my sweet Chester and Goldie, two orange kitties I have adopted and they are so dear to me!

Pat said...

I think Suzy sent Minew to you. I hope she becomes a "shop" cat.

Happy Mother's Day

From Sherry's Heart said...

Just goes to prove what a miraculous place this world is!!! All your days going to the pet store which resulted in not a cat,but a bird named Peaches. And then you thouht Iggy would be going to live with Hannah,until he decided differently,but you thought a cat would find you and it did. YUP the Earth is a miraculous place!!!!
The Queen

HomeSpunPrims said...

I love what you are doing with your rug Lori! And your little gift Minew is so cute. Hugs, Lori

Melody said...

Lori, I am so happy the kitten found you! She will have a wonderful home with you and Peter.
Happy Mother's Day.

Dogwood Farm said...

Love this combination of pennies and loops!
Great design and love the colors!

Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer said...

I just love your work!