Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

{ Covert Operations }

Afternoons around here can get really sleepy...
especially if it is raining & cold outside
and inside it is warm and cozy.
so when it's like that, I tend to creep around with my camera
and catch the sleepy-folk around here ~

oh, hey Ig....I was

 I love when he falls asleep sitting up.
he hates when i embarass him.

 and here are the other sleepy-folk....
snoozing in the recliner together.
(pathetic, no?)
 as quiet as I could be...
I snapped the picture and Mr. Peach snapped open his bead-y eye...
...and then I was caught red handed by the Big Mr. Snooze!!
his eye snapped open & that's all she wrote...
I was totally & shamelessly guilty of covert paparazzi maneuvers.

Hey, If I can't take a nap,
...why should anybody else be able to?
(actual names in this post were changed to protect the not-so-innocent)
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Anonymous said...

I didn't see the bird, until his eye opened. Thanks for the smile you brought to my face. Love reading your blog.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Dear Anonymous ~
Thanks for visiting ~ please consider leaving your name to your post next time so I know who you are :)
Thank You ~

Three Sheep Studio said...

Thanks for the laughs today !!
Napping is such a divine luxery. ;)

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Ahhh . . sweet slumber, I know not of thee! ;-)
Love seeing Peter all snuggled up !

Have a happy day!

NMK said...

This was so cute ! Nap time, it's the best !

Jane said...

Nothing like a nap on a day like today!! Such sweet, lovely things go on at Notforgotten Farm!

Saundra P said...

OMG that was a hoot!!!!! I'm surprised that Mr. Peach would snuggle in the body. Speaks volumes that he feels so safe.


Unknown said...

So cute!

P.J. said...

Very sweet!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

I am shocked that the bird sleep up next to your husband! that is crazy and amazing!!

Maria said...

Lori, Love the animals! Who knew a bird would snuggle? What a hoot! Maria

acorn hollow said...

really cute post I love to take a nap even though I never get a chance to.

Dogwood Farm said...

Precious moments!

jody said...

Hi Lori, just stopping in to say hi. i will be by soon on a rainy day to catch up more. love the sleepy pictures! i took Benadryl yesterday and looked like that yesterday only walking around too! enjoy your day Lori!!

Robin Hager said... funny! What a luxury to take a nap! What a cute way to start the day! Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us. (((Hugs)))

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my goodness, I have never seen a bird all cuddled up like that. So funny, but cute!

Lee said...

i could feel the warm fuzzes. Lee

Deb said...

Lori, love the snoozy pictures! Hope you managed to get a nap in yourself ;O) Deb

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

So cute!
I always try to take pics of my hubby taking a nap or record him snoring ~ cause they don't snore!!!
Prim Blessings