Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, April 22, 2013

a few loops ~

I pulled a few loops last night,
haven't had much time to work this weekend ~
I am under the crunch of a deadline....
...but I did want to show you my slight progress.

horse is all hooked, now I want to add a little background...
 you can see that I am using a Miller hook,
I love using this with my wide, hand-cut strips...

great little hook!

here are some of my strips...
some are wider than others, but they are all between 1/2 & 3/4 inch strips.
I love the look they lend to my work ~

varying widths of my wool strips by hand cutting them...
 can you see how the large strips, when pulled through the linen with a smaller-shanked hook,
give the loops what I call 'rolled shoulders'?
dark outline completed around horse
when the larger strip of wool is pulled using a smaller-shanked hook,
the edges of the loops don't really pull completely through the linen, an almost knotted, or rag-rug appearence to them...
...I love this look!
loops pulled high through linen, and because of the wide cut strips, hooking goes faster :)

I'll finish hooking the dark outline around the other motifs,
...then start to 'block-fill' in the background.
notice the purple wool in the flower below?
the original rug has hints of purples in it, but I think these might have been reds or blues
that faded to lavender over time...that's the look I'm wanting to achieve...

little by little, loop-by-loop ~
what hook do you use?
do you hand cut your strips?
off to the post office & bank for me today ~
then I will get back to work on that deadline!
have a beautiful Monday my Friends!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Dogwood Farm said...

Oh me, Oh my,such a wonderful adaptation!!! Love it!!!
Happy Monday!
xo Louise

Dogwood Farm said...

I got so excited about your new pattern, I forgot to mention my favorite hook. I love the primtive Hartman hooks.
xo Louise

Val Reaves said...

Hi Lori...Do you sell the Miller Hooks? The design is beautiful! Well done! Thanks for sharing...
Val in Kansas

Saundra said...

Look'n good Lori. I use a primitive Hartman hook with a ball handle. For me the pencil type hooks don't do well with my osteoarthritis. But to get that look with a future wide cut just might try your technique with a smaller hook.


Michelle~Sugar House Creations said...

I have a Hartman hook as well. I can't imagine pulling wide strips through with a narrow hook, but whatever works, right? I know each of hooker has a different technique and we all seem to end up with the same beautiful result. :) Maybe those with arthritis can add one of those rubbery pencil grips to the narrow hooks? Love the look of the horse with all of the different textures.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this new pattern! I also use a Hartman - ergo. I don't hand cut my wool, but use my mom's cutter instead!

sueguzman said...

Great pattern! Love my Miller hook. It's all I use now.

denise said...

Beautiful! Denise

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Lori,
I do not have a wool cutter so anything I need I have to cut by hand. If it's just a few strips of one color it's just with the scissors but otherwise it's with my rotary cutter and large clear ruler.
Love the look you are getting here.

HomeSpunPrims said...

Love what I see so far Miz Lori! I have a Townsend cutter and love it. I'd cry if I didn't have it now. Boo Hoo!! Hugs, Lori

Three Sheep Studio said...

Beautiful design !
I love the calm and soothing colors you have chosen.