Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Today's Class ~

Howdy Folks!
Hoping your Saturday has been a good one so far :)
mine has been wonderful!
we had our little Punch Needle class here today ~
l-r are Margaret, Pat, Robin, Jonette,
Nancy (barely visible 'cept for her beautiful red hair)
Debra & Joan...

hard at work...

looking good!

(there's miss Nancy!)

busy hands...

Jonette concentrating...

they even helped me celebrate my birthday with gifts ~
hand-knitted hand-warmers, a handcrafted bracelet,
herbal soap & hand salve and lavender wand
a jar candle and home-baked lemon/rosemary scones....

then they brought in a beautiful carrot cake & sang to me....really?
(I was so not expecting that!)
it was sooooo good , & no, there is none left.

we chatted, punched, un-punched & then the 'girls' mastered it...
(I knew they would...I have total confidence in them)

...tea, a warm fire, friends & needlework
(and sweets to munch on)
couldn't ask for a better day ~
Thanks for coming out & joining me today!
Lori from
 Notforgotten Farm


Penny said...

Sounds perfectly delightful!!! The best kind of day..... :)

WoolenSails said...

It looks like everyone had a wonderful day and wonderful that they celebrated their birthday with you.


Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Looks like lots of fun. Glad it was such a wonderful day for you and the gals! ~Nan

Raymond Homestead said...

What great fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun!..carrot cake sounds so delicious!

Jonette said...

Thank you so much for such a fun day! I really enjoyed the class and the fellowship. I really was concentrating because I did not even know you took all of these pictures! Looking forward to the class in April!

Susannah said...

I can see why you had a wonderful day.So much fun to get together and craft with friends.AND their projects look delightful.


Primitives By The Light of The Moon said...

What a fun day and looks like all the gals did a wonderful job on the project :)

Heritage Homestead Decor said...

I am so jealous. If I lived close I would be at every class you offered!


annie said...

good for you, glad your birthday bash went so well down on the farm!

DianeM said...

What a fun time! I love the interior of the shop you were at. All your gifts sound wonderful too. I am enjoying stitching your freebie birthday gift that you gave to all of us :)
Smiles, DianeM

Anonymous said...

Had a blast! Look forward to Rugfest and next class!

The Eveningstitcher said...

Oh what fun!!!! I swear, Lori...I've either got to move to Ohio OR Virginia!! I love your hooked rug on your sweet!

Stacey said...

Oh how I wish the Wee Cottage were much, much closer~

jody said...

looks and sounds like a wonderful time! i love punchen and like hooking its been a bit to long... enjoy your evening!

My Colonial Home said...

What a fun time had by all...looks like they were really enjoying it.
Happy Birthday....what sweet gals to do all that for you.

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed looking at your pictures of your class. I felt like I was there. Looks like you all enjoyed!