Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

playin' hooky

 Yesterday was our weekly hooking day in the shop ~
it was s fun day ~
(even though I couldn't keep the fire going in the woodstove and it was a bit chilly in there)
*sorry about that*
 below are Madison, Joan, Margaret, Pat & Eretta
Eretta & her grandaughter Madison are new to hooking ~

hi girls!
 Madison is only 8 yrs old, but she has an 'old' soul...
...she was very quick to learn how to handle the hook and wool and
 began hooking a little heart design ~

no one ever wants their picture taken, but that doesn't stop me...
just look at this crew turning away from me!

notice also, that Joan didn't get the memo to wear plaid?
... just kidding, I just noticed that!

Margaret working on the binding  of her first rug ~

Pat working on her Bunny Trail needle punch...

Eretta working on basic hooking techniques ~ she did a great job!

Joan working on binding one of the MANY kits she has dedicated herself to finishing
and we have faith in her that she will do just that.

little Madison hooking on her heart ~

I am making progress on the Scrap Cat purse....

filling in the background ~

liking the darker background,...

adding some purple to the background ~ can you see it?

many different shades and values of greens used in the leaves of the plant ~
3 different reds used in the bowl.

there is some of that purple!!
it's a dark value, but it's enough to break up the monotony of the mixed black background and outline...
plus a touch of purple is just plain fun!
Have a beautiful Palm Sunday my friends ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


The Eveningstitcher said...

How fun, Lori!! Looks like you have a nice group of gals visiting you each month!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

they actually come just about every saturday ~ you're welcome to come along too miss B!

denise said...

Looks like it is so much gun. I want to learn to hook. Denise

denise said...

I mean fun

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun.
I wish there was a hooking class around here, I would love to learn.

Jane said...

Sorry I couldn't make it, yesterday. It looks like a nice group. Your Scrap Cat is so cute!!
I'm watching a robin scurry around amid the snowflakes. Let's hope this is the LAST GASP!!

Cathy G. said...

It always delights and warms my soul to see the young ones( 8 yrs old! so precious) taking to rug hooking and working and creating with their hands! Your group is so lovely and determined! Bless their hearts!
I'll bet they all bring their gloves and mittens along next time too! LOL!!
Sweet Blessings!
Cathy G

Martha Doe said...


Cat rug is adorable! Wish I lived closer as I could really use help with my hooking.

Prim Blessings

Unknown said...

FUN !!!! I just love seeing little Madison taking an interest in rug hooking....

Saundra said...

Goodness, 8 years old and she's doing so well. Your scrap purse is looking great and Barb Carroll thinks that purple is a neutral and should be a little in every rug. So when I go to her camp I make sure to take some purple with me.


P.J. said...
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P.J. said...

It was a hooking kind of weekend; I was invited to hook with a group of ladies that meet once a month during the fall and winter. I put some solid time in on my second hooked project. Really enjoying it. You were my inspiration to get into it. Looks like every one had good progress. Your scrap cat is looking scrappy.:-)

Kris Miller said...

Sure wish I could come and hook with you sometime....

Anonymous said...

what a delight to see all your hookers hooking away, especially your youngest friend! Loving your little kitty!


susan hemann said...

Wish I was there, just cannot seem to figure out needle punching

Nancy Bauer said...

Looks like a wonderful time...I hope to join you this coming Saturday! And will pick up the Robin patterns then too! Quite a shocking experience to come from 82 in Key West to SNOW here in VA! Crazy!

Simple Pleasures said...

Good Morning:
Oh you have such fun, I wish I lived closer!I am patiently awaiting Spring as we got more snow last night!
I wanted to invite you over to my blog for my Spring Auction Sale going on now! Help me clear out some stuff! If you share my sale on your blog or facebook page I will give you 10% off!
Have a wonderful week!
Michelle / Simple Pleasures

My Colonial Home said...

Every looks so intent on doing their work!
I love that children take an interest in these kinds of's how future crafters come about.

Deb said...

What a lot of fun you must have together! Everyone's work is lovely and I am getting the bug to try hooking reading your posts. Can't wait to see your cat purse finish, love the colours and design.