Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

for the birds ~

 it began quietly...
tiny flakes fell randomly from the grey sky.

we should have known ~ the birds were telling us, but we weren't listening.



getting ready for the snow...

here it comes !

Iggy is always watching...

little sparrow

snow bunting

where'd ya go?

intense bird-watching

our back yard feeder

dove hunkered down under our cedar bushes

we got about 6-8 inches of fluffy, cotton-like snow in total....


I actually started this post yesterday, 3/25 ~ our power went out in mid-blogging.
it is now 3/36, 8:30 am...
our power just came back on!

we spent our evening with our candles flickering and flashlights...
it was nice at first, but...enough is enough!

the snow is almost all melted now (and I say YAY!!!)
so we have a mud-mess in the farmyard ~
but that's ok...I'll take mud anyday over snow & no electricity!
I wanted to also say that the shipment of tin sewing tray bases arrived yesterday
(yes, our UPS driver is da bomb!)
and I will be feverishly packing all of your orders today to get them out for you...
thanks for your patence with that, I should have had more on stock.
my mistake & I do apologize ~

So, today after packing orders, I will head to my hooking chair ~
and watch the birds out the window with my friend.

keep watching, Ig ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Anonymous said...

beautiful photography Lori!...we got 10" here in our area...and yes the birds really do have something to say..have a great day! ~Ronda

Patty C. said...

Just beautiful !!!

NMK said...

Your pictures are so pretty, but enough of Winter already !!!! Come on Spring !!!! It's almost Easter !!!

Penny said...

The storm passed us by this time, thank goodness! But it sure does look pretty in your pics, and as long as it doesn't stay on the ground for long, I guess it is tolerable. But we need sun and warmth, right?! C'mon spring!!!

gracie said...

Watching birds in the snow is amazing...watching the kitty watch is sweet.

village folk art said...

Delightful listing ... I love the snow and it is all so glorious, but I am ready to get on with some spring for a change.

Love your Blog,

Unknown said...

your getting the snow we had, now today it is nice enough for the kids to go out and the snow is almost all gone, melting like crazy!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we had the same snow in MO. what do you use the tin sewing tray bases for?

Cathy G. said...

Hi Lori,
Very pretty pics even though the snow has worn outs it welcome in these parts! Your Iggy looks like he keeps an eye on things pretty well there! Such great pics of him!
Hope your power stays on so you can keep the great posts coming!
Cathy G

Primitive Stars said...

Afternoon.....wonderful pictures of the birds at the the Cardinal.....lots of snow but if it melted already your lucky...Lots still here in my yard but the sun is shining......Spring Blessings Francine.

Heritage Homestead Decor said...

Are you talented at everything you put your hands on. My gosh what a gift those hands of your are. Beautiful pictures and story!
Hugs my friend

Robin Leuschen said...

Look at those beauties at your feeders and around the farmyard ! I too, just like Iggy, enjoy birdwatching...Maybe not with the same got a TASTE of what we here in NW Pa. have had all love snow, but I can't wait to wake up and see that different type of light shining through our bedroom curtains...the kind of light that reflects differently when there is no white stuff on the
glad the no electricity ordeal wasn't too long..

Jane said...

It WAS a good day for birdwatching. I count birds for a Cornell Univ. project and I had 23 different kinds on Sun/Mon. Glad you have your power back!

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

Hi there friend~

Just wondering, does Iggy make little cackling noises when he bird watches?? Mine does...hee hee...

Hope you are doing well!!


Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Yes, Mr. Ignatious Catt chatters, cackles and chortles at the birds....he drools and cries like a baby too!
~ L