Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

SNOWY Saturday class photos & WOOL APPLIQUE CLASS Project ~

...At today's Hooked Basket Class, we welcomed Miss Pat Cross to our little circle of friends ~
here she is (holding her coffee) sitting in front of her newly hooked rug she is calling "GERTIE"
(which is actually one of my folk art designs available as
"Witch's Walk" at ~
beautiful "Gertie"...

Pat's hooking, color-planning and placement is just beautiful ~
...she is one talented Lady

love the purples and greens...the swirl-y sky...oh everything!

Here is Miss Pat Weaver, hooking on her basket project, seated next to Pat C. ~
with Miss Karen at the end o the table whipping her beautiful rug ~

busy busy busy.....
 and look who else pooped (um I mean 'popped' in)
TOBY the Rooster-boy!!!
Toby actually did 'poop' in ~ sorry girls!

Here is Miss Margaret showing off her rug, a T. Benson design,...and
Miss Flea working on a secret stitching project (shhhhhh)

warm friendship & woodstove in the shop today!!
 Here is that rug that Miss Karen was whipping ~ it is her own design, and I love it!
simple, colorful & fun!!!!

Here's an overview of the class ~
....had a couple of girls not able to make it today (Barb?)
Nancy~ We'll see you soon!! feel better!!

Flea, Joan, Margaret, Karen & Pat...
to my ever-patient, ever-loving, sometimes-obnoxious,
ALWAYS-loveable hubby Peter, for baking Blueberry Corn Bread, and Chocolate Brownies
for our class this morning ~ and for putting up with me.
I really do love you. LOTS.

to get you in a SPRINGY mood, here is the model for our April 20th class ~
which was designed and will be taught by Miss Pat Cross:

be still my wool-loving heart....

a closer view:

I know I cannot wait to make this!!!
We are accepting registration NOW for this class ~ but it will fill up quickly ~
and space is LIMITED!!!
email me at or call 434-263-6508 to register for a fun-filled day at the farm.
You can read the PARTICULARS on this project by clicking on my CLASS SCHEDULE LINK
at the top of this blog,...
and now, I am heading to the warmth of my stitching chair ~
....where I will finish working on offerings for tomorrow's update on my selling page
(Goods from Notforgotten Farm LINK at top of this blog)
...while the snow gently falls to the frozen ground ~
I will warm up to the woodstove, with the company of two snug kittens....
needle and thread, here I come!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Val Reaves said...

Sure wish I could have attended...looks like fun to me! Thanks for the pictures!
Val in Kansas

Gayle said...

Everyone looks so cozy in your studio - a great place to spend the day with like minded people!

WoolenSails said...

What a great way to spend the day and Karen's rug is wonderful.


Penny said...

Wow! I love that Gertie rug! What a fabulous job.... (not that I know how to hook a rug, but the colors are wonderful and the hooking looks perfect!!) I so wish I lived closer and could attend your classes....
Stitching in your happy chair with the woodstove going and your kitties at your side sounds like a perfect evening to me... Enjoy!!

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Y'all have way too much fun! I wish I lived closer to have "way too much fun too" !

Anonymous said...

I wish I lived closer so I could attend your classes..Sad here in Pa...Everyone's work looks awesome and your husband what a dear he is..Have a great weekend..

Cathy G. said...

I wish there was a shortcut to VA From WI! What a thrill to be in the same room with all that talent! Oh my.. Pat's hooking of Gertie and your design.... how could it not be awesome!!
I love Karen's rug also... fabulous design, wide hooking and colors!
I want to make a basket too... sniff...sniff!
Even sweet Peter... if you could make a pattern for him and his blueberry corn bread... we have not the gentleman in WI who could hold a candle to such gallantry!
Cathy G

Faye said...

Looks like it was a fun filled day!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at all that beautiful work and all those lovely ladies! What a splendid day you had!


Constance said...

I wish I could attend your clases and store. I love this wool tulip piece the class will be making. Let us know if it will ever be kitted and the pattern sold. It was like spring to see your pics today. Now there is hope!!