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Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Saying Goodbye ~

my little Black Suzy is gone ~
the tiny little black ball of fur that has been a constant in my life for 16 yrs
has passed peacefully and has joined her friends:
Tippy, Sam, Little Bit, Henry, Joonie, Buster, Frannie
and many, many more....
I'm hoping they welcomed her this morning and are helping her adjust.
She had two seizures during the night ~

I knew I had to make the decision to keep her quality of life and her dignity intact...
...but just how do you decide to end the life
of someone who has completelyburrowed into your being?
never an easy decision to make, but one that we, as humans have to make
if we love our animal friends....and I love her so.....
It's amazing to me that such a tiny little soul had such a large heart...well, for me anyways.
Suzy has been known to 'protect' me by not allowing certain folks to come near me....
I know in my heart of hearts how much she loved me.
She told me often with her eyes....
she loved Hannah & Peter in her own way,
but we were the ones that were tied by a magical heartstring that is now broken....
my heart is heavy
as I try to come to terms with the fact that I won't see this little face again ~
 for a while, anyways...

I know one day she, and all of the other animal-friends that have blessed my life,
... will meet again,
and I'm comforted knowing that.
Goodbye my sweet friend ~
~ Black Suzy ~
1996 ~ 2013
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Heritage Homestead Decor said...

So sorry Lori. I know how hard it is to lose a little pet. They are family and it hurts!
My thoughts go out to you

newburyarts said...

*****you'll see her again and she will be purring with delight at the occasion...and so will all the others. sometimes i think it is the hardest thing to do when saying goodbye to our little fur faces. a few years ago i spent the
summer hooking rugs in tribute to our pets that i hadn't immortalized in wool. think of the things that you loved about her and put them onto some backing and bring to life your thoughts. we have a twenty two year old maine coon and i know it's a matter of time...but we have had some great
memories. many blessings to you and your family from ours!
tom and barbara

Heartsdesire said...

So sorry to hear about Suzy. It's very hard making a decision such as yours, especially when there is so much love involved. Our pets are a great comfort to us, but unfortunately, we can't keep them with us forever. I'm Suzy will be happy now with the rest of her friends.

gracie said...

So sorry. I still miss my Sherlock (2005) and now our Zoe (2012) so I understand the decision is difficult. Take comfort in knowing that you loved her for so many wonderful years and she is now Over Rainbow Bridge with your other little ones.

Robin Leuschen said...

Sweet Suzy is at peace and now running around in Kitty Heaven...
sorry for your loss though...I like what Tom said...You can immortalize her in wool...would love to see a rug dedicated to her!!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry....this is always so hard....let her memories comfort you, and also be glad Suzy had you. Some animals live such a horrible were both lucky to have each other.

Jean Barker said...

Sorry to read of your loss Lori.

It truly is a hard decision to make. One I'm facing now with my lil'Snoopy dog. Just taking it a day at a time.

Thoughts are with you.

Mugwump Woolies said...

So sorry, Lori. You gave her a wonderful life...both of you so lucky to have shared sixteen years.

village folk art said...

I am with you Lori ... We will be together in another and better life. They are truly family. So sorry for the loss, but it is only temporary.
What a priceless picture of Suzy ... LUV it. And you both shared a precious Blessing having each other.

Peace, Barb

WoolenSails said...

I am so sorry to hear about Suzy, it is such a hard decision to make. My guy has kidney failure and he goes up and down, so it is hard to watch him go downhill, but hard to make that decision. Yesterday he could barely get up the stairs, we had to push him up, today he is fine.


Margo said...

Lori, Very sorry for you loss. Our furry children and so dear to us and their passing does leave a huge hole.

Cindy said...

Prayers for you and blessings for Suzy as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge. The sorrow is hard but I hope you can soon remember the happiness.

Constance said...

Hi Lori,

I am so sorry. I well know the bond that you speak of. I have so loved all of my fur family but there are those few that come to us with such a deep spiritual bond and it is so hard when they move on. I do know that love never seperates and Little Susie will watch over you always.

Be blessed Dear Friend

Unknown said...

oh gosh, tears...what a sweet little face. Our little furry friends easily find their way into our hearts...and thank you for being one who loves them dearly. ~karen

Bertie said...

Sorry to hear of your loss, good to hear she had a good life:)

Granny Bee said...

Blessings to you Lori...

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I'm sorry for your loss.
Hugs and puppy kisses from Pixie and me.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

So very sorry Lori . . . dear Suzy.
Thinking of you.

Beehive Needleworks said...

In your time of sorrow, I send to you my heartfelt prayers and blessings of comfort. Your little darling shall live on, tucked safely within your heart forever and always.
My peace be with you Lori,

Three Sheep Studio said...

My heart aches for you.
I cannot even imagine how hard it was to write this post.
My pup lived for 19 years.
When she passed, every time I wanted to cry (even years later), I immediately thanked God for allowing her to be with me for 19 huge wonderful years !
16 years is an AMAZING lifetime of warm memories to hold dear to your heart.

Unknown said...


My heart breaks for you...I cried while trying to keep reading..she was a beauty..I'll always remember her in the wonderful pictures you have shared.

I also believe we will see our sweet pets again.

God bless,

Brush Creek Needlework said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Lori. We just lost our Jack Russell dog, Abby, last month and it has been hard. I recently adopted a 10 month old cat named, Minnie. She looks exactly like your Suzy. I am absolutely over the moon in love with her. I hope you go on to love many more wonderful pets. Thinking of you during this rough time, Jen Mayo

Penny said...

So sorry, Lori.... very sad news to hear. Our pets are so much a part of our lives, and it is so hard to see them go.
Hope you are comforted by all the wonderful memories you made with Suzy over the years....

Jane said...

Suzy enjoyed the love and caring of the life at Notforgotten Farm. Her friends will welcome her over the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts go out to you, Peter and Hannah.
The love that you and Suzy shared will live on.

cucki said...

So sorry Dear ..i know how hard it is to lose a little pet. They are family and it really hurts..
My thoughts go out to you
Hugs xx

The Humble Stitcher said...

My heart aches for you, Lori. I am so sorry to her about Suzy but I KNOW you will be together again one day.
Big Hugs,

Terri said...

So sorry for your loss!!

Teena B. said...


woolyredrug said...

So, so sorry for your loss.
Suzy will be watching over thoughts are with you at this sad time, Laurie

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. That is such a hard decision to make but you know when it's time. My blessings to you.

Orange Sink said...

Oh Lori,
I have tears reading your post! How hard to put in words your feelings and speak of the bond you held with your little Suzy. I will be sending prayers that your heart will heal and that you smile each time you think of her in days to come. So blessed are those who reside with such intimacy with the animal kingdom and learn to communicate as you have. No greater treasure exists!
Hugs hugs hugs!!
Cathy G

marly said...

My sympathy to you Lori. Every time someone loses a pet I start bawling all over again. That final act of our tremendous love for them is so difficult.

cl said...

The decision you made for Suzy was difficult but the kindest thing to do for her. Her friends have greeted her and she is a kitten again. Her place in your heart is filled with precious memories. Sending love your way,

Krista said...

I am so sorry Lori to hear about Suzy. It is hard to say goodbye to our furry babies, but she is in peace now. Thinking of you.

Val Reaves said...

Oh,Lori...I am so sorry...
Val in Kansas

Anonymous said...

My sincerest condolences Lori. My first cat lived with me for 17 years, before we too had to make the decision to let her go. It was one of the saddest days. She was at that time the spirit with whom I had lived the longest with, in my entire life, and the only pet that my little boy had known. It felt like all the energy around us shifted, and our home didn't feel the same. It took time to heal. The pussy willow I planted where we buried her is blooming right now. I truly do know how you feel, and my heart goes out to you.


Patti from Michigan said...

So sorry assured she is in good hands. God Bless

Raymond Homestead said...

So sorry.

Robin said...

Oh sweetie I am so very won't be the same at the farm house...I will miss Cheese Mouse. My heart aches for you...

HomeSpunPrims said...

I'm so sorry for your loss my friend. Such a sweet picture of her wrapped in your wool. I pray you will be consoled in your time of sadness. Big hugs, Lori

pipersmom said...

I am so very sorry for the loss of Suzy your furry friend. She is well loved and remembered in your heart until you can meet with her again.

Melody said...

Lori, I am so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved cat.

Sending warm comforting thoughts to you.

Sweet Sue said...

Thank you for sharing your precious Suzy posts with us Lori, she'll be missed by many here in blogland. I snipped a bit of fur to remember my girl when I lost her after 18 yrs of furry love. Wishing you warm memories and hugs...

jan said...

Oh, Lori. I am so sorry you have lost your sweet Suzy. Those of us who have loved our pets as you describe your relationship with Suzy understand how lost you are feeling. ...jan

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Peace be with you-such a heart-breaker! Your Suzy was blessed to be paired up with you in this life - you gave her lots of love and care! ~*~Lisa

jennifer768 said...

With tears streaming down my face all I can say is that I am so very sorry.I know the pain well and I am sending you big hugs.Jen

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for your deep sorrow ... that can not be overcome only learn to live with the conviction that part of hes soul will always be with you <3

Saundra said...

Oh but I know how heavy your heart is right now. With tears in my eyes I'm sending this to you and understand your heartache. I miss my Shumba, Panzer and Shadow. Matter of fact, it has now been almost 2 years since losing Shadow and have decided to hook her profile later this year. Perhaps by then I'll be ready.

Suzy is at Rainbow Ridge, but that doesn't minimize our heartaches as we are left behind missing them.



Sandra said...

I know you are broken hearted Lori. You wrote such a heart felt tribute to your special friend. I'm so sorry.
Homespun Elegance

Primitive Stars said...

So so sorry for your pain,never is easy losing a beloved pet.....We forever keep them warm and safe tucked away in our hearts.......Blessings Francine.

Janet-Olde Crow Primitives said...

So very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.
Hugs, Janet

NMK said...

I am so sorry to hear you have lost your dear little Suzy....all the sweet comments , The Rainbow Bridge welcomes all of our dear fur babies & we will meet again some day. My hear aches for you & your family, my sister -in-law always says our pets truely love us and if they have done a good job taking care of us & leave us broken hearted, they did their job very well. Take care.....

woolmaven said...

So sorry to see that you have lost a furry friend. It is never easy, but they bring us many years of joy. Donna

susiedele said...

I'm so sorry, Lori. I feel your heart ache. You're a good mommy.

primitivebettys said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Lori.

Kathy Barrick said...

I'm so sorry Lori.

Prims and Annies said...

I have been there several times too, I found this poem if you would like to read it..where our pets go when they pass on

Marilia said...

So sorry for your's so hard.
Kisses from Spain

P.J. said...

Oh my heart aches for you. They are so precious and have such great impact on our lives. May your memories bring you peace and joy.

Myra said...

My heart just aches for you Lori. ((Hugs))

klk said...

I'm so sorry. I was hoping she was better today. It's so hard to lose a furry friend. I'm very sorry for your loss.

denise said...

so sorry about your little kitty. i recently lost my little black dog. denise

Barefoot Primitives said...

We lost our sweet Simba kitty a couple weeks ago. He was almost 18years old! I still feel the loss and prayers to ya sweetie. I have pic of my dear sweet one on my blog.

Trace4J said...

Giant hugs to you friend

Jennifer said...

My sweet Alix went in a very similar age 16 with siezures. I feel your loss deeply and hope your heart heals soon.

Shirley Hill said...

my heart goes out to you and your family. There are days that I still tear up over my dear cat Dot.

Lynn said...

Dear Lori, your blog brought tears to my eyes....I know how hard it is to lose one of our sweet furbabies....thinking of you and your family. The photo of Suzy you posted is beautiful.
Such a sweet little face.
Hugs, Lynn

Stitching Cat said...

Lori, so sorry to hear about your loss but I know you made the right decision. Suzy is now running and playing with all her furry friends and is a kitten again. Graycie sends kitty hugs to you.

Bittersweetfolkart said...


Jody Battaglia said...

Lori...How sad...loss is devastating...Jody

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss..
Your friend will see you again..
I truly believe that..

Pam in IL said...

Awww, what a sweet face. I know the sorrow you are feeling.


Stickhorsecowgirls said...

So sorry--I love my kitties so and I have had many go on beyond where I know they await me. Amazing the faithfulness and devotion they gift us with.

Maria said...

Lori, What delightful souls our cats are. They bring such joy to our life. I know your heart is breaking......but hopefully the pictures and memories will make it a little easier. Thinking of you.....Maria

grandma peden's porch said...

Oh your post made me cry...I know that feeling the guilt, the empty space that's left and the selfish thoughts was wanting just one more day. I get it I know it's the hardest decision we have to make about our pets. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope and pray you find comfort at this difficult time.

Christine said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Blessings to you & your family.

kelley said...

the time we have with our furry companions is so matter how many wonderful years you have together it's never deepest sympathy on your loss...

quiltsbycheri said...

so sorry to hear of sweet Black Suzy's passing.....

Janine said...

Tears for you and your little Black Suzi.

My Colonial Home said...

Oh Lori,
I am crying with you right now...I could have written this post myself...we lost our LOLA of 16 years 2 weeks before Christmas...I had the same feelings...when is the right time, will I know...I DID KNOW...unfortunately we had to make the decision, she didn't pass in her sleep like I had hoped but I know she was at peace till then.
How we love our animals and like you, there was that ONE that crept into your heart and was JUST THERE UNCONDITIONALLY.
I feel for you and pray for fast healing (although I stil have tears for my Lola).

Nancee said...

So sorry to hear about Suzy. I know she's in pet heaven with my muffin, and pansey.

The French Bear said...

Aww, sorry to hear about Suzy..... wish it wasn't so hard to say good bye.

Theresa said...

I'm so sorry for your's always hard to have a beloved animal pass. Really they're like our children...except they walk on all fours and are furry.

Stacey said...

Sending light and love to you Lori~ I know that there are no words that help when you lose such a big piece of love in your life. Such a blessing to have each other <3


Unknown said...

Lori, I am so sorry to hear of your sweet kittys passing. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. My thoughts will be with you.

Death by Thread

Carol said...

Oh, how you will miss your sweet black kitty... How lucky you both were to have each other in your lives for so many years!

penelope said...

So sorry for your broken heart...our furry friends bring so much joy to our lives..they love us no matter what and just ask for companionship throughout their lives. I am sure she had the most wonderful life with you..:)
Take care my friend...

Cindy said...

So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you...

Mary A said...

Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss. Of course Suzy will be waiting for you or it wouldn't be heaven, would it? Our pets have such pure souls and they await us. Your decision was right because it was based with Suzy's best interests at heart. She was safe with you and you upheld your end of the pact. Hugs and kisses, Lori. Mary A

Christina said...

Lori, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your fuzzy little Suzy. Our furry friends are often the best friends of all. You're in my thoughts... Christina

MartyG said...

Lori, I am so sorry to hear about Suzy. It is so hard to lose such a wonderful companion. We lost our little wiener dog Beezer in Oct. he was almost 20. We think about him everyday. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. MartyG

lms said...

sad sad is a little piece of my heart to let you know i am thinking of you and iggy....its so hard to loose our little ones.....