Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

His First Words!!!!

I headed outside to the log pile this morning, to take the chill out of the farmhouse...
whilst I was out there,
"someone" saw me and wanted my attention....
I thought I heard one of our 'big boy' roosters crow,
...and since we're so used to them, I paid little attention.
but then, I realized I was hearing a different crow ~ one that was a little shaky and unsure...
one that my keen ears weren't used to hearing.
Toby born (hatched) 10/01/12
I put the wood down, and grabbed my camera.
I walked closer to the barn, and sure enough ~ my little Toby was crowing his heart out!!
being rewarded with cracked corn ~

I'm such a proud chicken-mama....
I immediately called Peter to tell him ~ you know what P said?
"oh yeah...I thought I heard him yesterday..."
(and you didn't tell me?)

our handsome boy-bird.

Time Flies.
children grow.
chickens grow faster....

see his neck?
he's sprouting his hackle feathers ~

he also has an amazing rainbow of colors in that seemingly-black coat of his...
blues, purples, greens ~ browns, rusts & blacks.

...his comb & wattles are coming along nicely, too.

Toby stays seperate from the other chicken-folk ~ since he was more 'hand-raised' than the others,
they haven't accepted him as a chicken...

I don't think he knows he's a chicken-boy either....
as a matter of fact, when he crow'd rather loudly this morning,
he jumped back like he startled himself!!
(I had to laugh)

scratch scratch peck peck
I hope your day is full of wonderful surprises too!!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


gracie said...

Indeed he is handsome!

Robin Leuschen said...

What a sweet boy he is !! When hubby and I had our dairy farm, we had some chickens also...had an old rooster named Henry..He was a grumpy old rooster...he would chase me when I went down to get the used to call the one dog to chase him away...She was nice and didn't chase far, just enough to get him away from me....
Your boy sounds like he will stay the friendly sort !!

Mugwump Woolies said...

Oh...such a handsome boy! All those lovely colors in those beautiful feathers are...simply majestic!

Saundra said...

Lori, sounds like you need to design a companion rug to my Mother Hen.


Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Congratulations Chicken Mama. You have raised a fine boy. How fast he has grown. I feel like I know all of your farm folk and feel very close to them. Thanks for always sharing that part too. It's how this city gal gets her farm fix :D

Penny said...

He is a handsome (and way cute!) fella you have there! Love hearing about life on your farm.... You have some great friends there!

NMK said...

How cute ! He really has beautiful colors...

Karen said...

Toby is a beautiful rooster!

P.J. said...

Awesome post! Way to go Toby!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

your rooster is beautiful! Also, the bee picture you have at the top is fantastic!! Sadly, that is one craft I don't do!

Stacey said...

Congrats proud Momma~ I miss my girls having their chickens and the fun that they had. Great memories made! Thanks for the heart smile!

Chris said...

Love this post!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous, gorgeous ~ what a beautiful boy! Lori, I love that you appreciate all creatures so much (and that you take such fabulous pics ~ wow!)!

I was named for a chicken my mother had when she was little. I never thought it was much of a claim to fame, but after reading your post I feel like it's a real tribute ~ thank you! :~>


Mary said...

He has gown up to be so handsome, your heart must be bursting with pride.