Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Friday, February 08, 2013

a REST- ful Day ~

Happy Friday Friends & Folk ~
sending well-wishes to those of you in the path of the blizzard...
((((perfect hooking or stitching weather in my book!))))

we had a dusting of snow last night ~ well a 'sprinkling' really...and of course it's all gone now.
it was pretty while it lasted!
I've been wanting to design some little rugs for the tops of Peter's
Hooker's Foot Rests ~
so this morning, after I started a pot of corned beef & cabbage on the woodstove,
I set about gathering my supplies and drawing one up on linen...

trusty black sharpie pen, linen and a drawn border to begin...

I want the rug to fit the footrest, but not all the way to the edges, so I measure carefully and make sure my lines are on the grain of the linen.

sizing it just right....

I wanted the first design to resemble an old rug ~
so I chose a simple word, "REST" to hook in along with a couple of odd borders....

perfect word for a footrest,

...then I'm off to find the wool for this project.
heading to one of my baskets-full, I found these:

ready to begin hand cutting those strips ~

I chose these wools to be the background behind the lettering:
a nice mix of neutrals...

subtle & old looking, but tiny flecks of color ~
 I chose these for the lettering:
a grey/black houndstooth check, and a reversible black/grey-ish stripe...
 I do want to add color to the borders,
and I'm thinking I'll begin with these greens first...
LOVE that chartreuse color!

I'll be hooking the borders in a hit-or-miss style,
and will add more colors from my worm basket as I go... I'm ready to head to my chair and pull a few loops!!



(everytime I turn my Ott light on, Iggy thinks it's his own personal SUN ~ )
oh, I don't have the heart to move him!

slumber for a little while longer, my little furry friend....
I guess for now I'll go check on that pot on the woodstove
....and then I'll gently coax him out of my chair with a morsel or two...
Have a Restful day my Friends!!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


quiltsbycheri said...

so sweet.......whenever i sit to stitch at least one cat or two jump right up into my lap "oh we know you love our help!"......have a "restful" day

Cathy G. said...

I will be over for supper! LOL! Boiled cabbage stew would hit the spot on a cold day here in WI! Oh me oh my... lovin' that chartreuse too! Looking forward to seeing what you create for the foot rest!
You may have to get a chair just for you to hook in!
Sending warm hugs and blessings from my new laptop!
Cathy G

Martha Doe said...


I will try again...the robot thing always gives me problems...lost what I wrote the first time.HaHa!

Need something for these old eyes for my needlework...think I'll do some research for a good price on an Ott. Is that a magnifier attached?

Iggy sure is cute in his "sunbeam"!


Anonymous said...

The colors look great together..Cute idea on the word "rest" for the stool..Stay warm and happy hooking..

kelley said...

looking forward to seeing that little rug to Iggy, who could resist his own personal sun...

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Hi Martha ~ yes, my Ott Floor lamp acame with the magnifyer & is so nice and bright, and the mag is SO strong! I highly recommend it ~ I bought mine a few years back at Joann Fabrics with a 50% off coupon (they are quite expensive, but well worth the investment)

cucki said...

So sweet..she is so cute..
Enjoy your new project..
Hugs x

Michelle~Sugar House Creations said...

Hee hee, it cracks me up when I find my kitty lying under the table lamp by the front door on a chilly evening. So you really are hand cutting the strips?

Gayle said...

That should hook up pretty quickly because of it's diminutive size - can't wait to see that green border!

Penny said...

Can't wait to see your completed project.... looks like it will be so lovely.... pretty colors and the ideal word for a footrest!! Perhaps you could make up a few for us less talented people?!! :) I sure could use one on a bench I have here!!
We are in the middle of the big snowstorm heading up the coast.... they say the blizzard conditions won't start until this evening!!! Oh my..... I'll be sitting in my happy place doing some cross-stitch for most of the weekend, I believe!
Enjoy your weekend!

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

The colors are great! I look forward to seeing it finished. Iggy looks so sweet lying in his own personal sun!
Have a good weekend!

acorn hollow said...

I am that way too I hate to kick the cat out. I do have a question when you hook the mat will it stretch some? I have heard it does that is why I have never done stair treads even though I want to. I would hate it to be all hooked and they don't fit.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

I've never had any of my rugs stretch Cathy (Acorn Hollow) but then again I only hook on linen ~ I know that monks cloth is more stretch-y and I personally don't like to hook on it...rug warp is more cotton, so it might have a little more 'give' to it too ~
anyone else have any input on this??

jody said...

yum! what a perfect day! great food on the wood stove, wool and fur babe! love seeing you plan your foot rest rug! colors are perfect! and i sure wouldnt be able to move sweet iggy either! thats my excuse for not getting anything done!! enjoy your evening!