Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Slight Change in Plans ~

The Best Laid plans of Mice and Men...often go awry....
such is the case lately here at the farm.
we have had torrential rainfall, flooding our basement
(where I paint our wooden smalls)
and crazy-high winds that knocked out our power...
...thank goodness we have a woodstove.
it was 70 some-odd degrees yesterday and the day before, so the farmhouse was already warm...
but, in order to eat and wash ourselves with hot water, we had to have the woodstove burning.
which in turn, brought to life all of the hibernating stink-bugs and ladybeetles that were hidden on every crack & crevice...
oh could  be worse!
the electricity finally came back on this aft, so here I am posting...
I had mentioned on a previous post that I will be holding an update on the selling page of this blog, on Friday February 1st ~ BUT that is now changing.
The UPDATE will be on SUNDAY, February 3rd at 6:00 pm
here are a few peaks at the works-in-progress that I'll be offering:
linen & thread

birds and loving-sentiments

paper, pencil & paint muted tones & colors
and we'll be showing some NEW products for our
OLD as Dirt Primitives© line of wooden smalls for the Needleworker...
Sorry I have to postpone the update, but I hope you'll be pleased with our Goods on Sunday :)
Blessed be,
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


woolyredrug said...

Lori, So sorry to hear about your weather woes...glad the power is back on.
Love your heart nearly skipped a beat seeing you box of paints!!! ~Laurie

cucki said...

Oh dear..but glad the power is back and you all well..
I love your sweet..
Big hugs x

Sandra said...

Hi Lori,
I know the woes of a flooded basement. We have gone through that chaos twice. We now have two sump pumps and an in house generator. When you have no electricity the sump pumps don't work. A large part of Homespun Elegance is housed in the basement, so we had no choice. Good luck!
Homespun Elegance

The French Bear said...

Oh dear, hope it isn't too bad...with the bugs..eww.
Love the sneak peek!!!! I can't wait to get my parcel, the post man thinks I stalk him, lol. Of course this looks like I will be ordering more, yah!
Have a great weekend Lori!

Robin Leuschen said...

Oh my gosh !! You have my sympathies Lori... Especially the no water and flooding ....Gladly, we haven't had our power go out yet...but with this weather here, it's only a matter of time....Glad you are back up and running !!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I can't wait until Sunday! I've been hoping to be the proud owner of one of your paintings, someday... Maybe this Sunday will be the day!

so glad to hear that your power is back on, but dear oh dear ~ water in the basement! That always calls for some unscheduled, time consuming, clean up!

Hoping you're all happy and dry!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that..It is so cold here and we are 40 degrees colder than yesterday..Crazy weather..I really like your work..Stay warm..

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Hope things return to normal soon and I'm glad the temps were favorable. What you can do with paper and paint is amazing. I am always in awe. Everything is so lovely. Keep safe. ~Nan