Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Rainy Day Musings ~

I LOVE rainy days ~
just ask my Mom....ever since I was a little girl,
...I have loved the cozy, home-y feeling I get from a drizzle-y day.

I can remember being little, and my Mom would do the ironing on rainy days...
I would sit under the ironing board, busying myself with either crayon or pencil & paper I usually did (do)
~ I remember hearing the faint sounds of our black & white television,
tuned to the station playing "Days of our Lives"
(" sands through an hourglass, so are the days of our lives..." & insert organ music here*)

my memory reminds me of the smell of the Niagra Spray Starch that Mom used,
and I can hear the sizzle of the hot iron on the clothing as Mom pressed them ~
That was so long ago...but that wonderful, safe feeling stays with me whenever it rains.

Today is no exception ~
I am snug in my farmhouse with my fur family today...
~ cat & hooking in lap, hook & wool in hand,
with the misty rain falling gently on our newly-sprouting potatoes outside.

No fresh laundry drying outside on the line today...
~ just a gentle reminder that tomorrow may hold sunshine.

and here is more progress on Daisy's rug:
I have begun the background ~

as you can see, I've hooked a black line around said donkey, but I don't think I like it...
looks too cartoon-y for me...what do you think?

I think I'll frog that line out, and replace it with a very light colored wool ~
I think that will age it a bit more...
...will also take out that dark line around the one flower on the right too (hate that).
and I'm thinking that dark border line will go too....

but, what better day to work on my hooking
...than one spent serenaded by raindrops on a tin farmhouse roof?

Wishing you all a beautiful day full of cherished memories ~
blessings from the farm,


P.J. said...

A gray day here today as well. Smile came across my face as you described your rainy ironing day. Beautiful description. As much as I dislike ironing, there is something comforting in the sounds of the steam and creaking of the ironing board. Sounds like home.Daisy is looking good. Agree about the outline on the flower, on the fence about outline on Daisy; it does help her stand out a bit. Enjoy your hooking.

HomeSpunPrims said...

I like the dark around your donkey. I've seen a lot of antique rugs that do that. I think it's perfect as is. I enjoyed your memories. It's a sunny day here. Hugs, Lori

Jane said...

So glad we're getting this much needed rain. Gives me an excuse to be inside and hook...I always want to be outside doing something garden-y this time of year.
I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sat.

Unknown said...

I like the black line. It would look good either way though:)

frontporchprims said...

I love the smell of a good rain. What a beautiful post. I think the flad above the donkey is wonderful. -Steph-

MoonBeam said...

I enjoyed your rainy day memories. Love the daisies and like the dark line...but what do I know?! Have fun with daisy.

jennifer768 said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories.I am on the fence about the dark line around the donkey.Love the rug though.Happy Easter,Jen

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Wow, for a minute there I thought I was 5 again!!
Yes, memories of Mom ironing, mine used a shaker bottle of water.
I like the black line around the donkey, but I'm not a rug hooker. What is frogging?

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Finally! A fellow rain lover! I love all the seasons and all kinds of weather but my very favorite is rain! Especially light rain when I can have the windows up to hear and smell it. It's also my very favorite crafting time and when I'm the most creative, hehe.

I'm not a hooker, but I like the dark line around the donkey and the border line. Love the flag.

Have a fantastic week~

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Lori,
What a beautiful memory - kind of what I remember too with my mother. Thanks for taking us back in time to days of no stress and worry...just being loved and playing.

Your rug is coming along just beautifully and I think a more muted color would look better as well around the donkey although if you hadn't mentioned it...we wouldn't have thought of it.
I had to do that with a Pineapple one I was doing.



Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

*FROGGING* ~ a non-technical term used by Needlewomen to decribe the way they remove, or undo stitches or pull or "rip it" (ribbit!!!) out...thusly, known as "FROGGING!!!" hahaha

Jennifer Stumpf said...

Lori, I'm no expert on rug hooking but I really like the look of the dark lines. Especially on your lil donkey. And I do like the dark outline around the daisy, too. In any case, I'm sure I'll love the finished product, as I always do!