Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

The King & the Hookers...

yes....I know.
I know how handsome I am...
in fact, I know that I am so handsome,
that you continually take candind photos of me while I'm trying to sleep ~

I must be from royal are infatuated with me....
I mesmerize you with my chiseled features and Roman-esque profile....

what's that you say?...Sphinx? oh yes...that must be it...
that must be who my ancestors were...beloved, honored & regal....

why...of course you may call me King....
Oh Iggy ~ you are an Ignatious Katt!!!

and, I had thee pleasure of Miss Jane, Miss Joan & Miss Cindy
visiting today for a little Hookin'....No cookin' ~

Miss Jane was working on some beautiful hooked Strawberries,
that she will be offering at a local Strawberry festival.., held at the school where she teaches...
Miss Cindy came with a newly drawn out pattern that she designed,
a sheep, beeskep, crow, flag...perfect for the primitive lover!
(she bought some yummy wools for her rug, can't wait to see it finished!)

and here is Miss Joan...(she will be punishing me severely for posting this pic)...
I was taking pics and said that I was only shooting 'hands' and so she posed her dainty-little-hands with the polite 'pinky' up...but, I snapped her expression, too...
oh how loverly....
(& boy I'm in BIG trouble for this!)

another shot of Miss Cindy's rug in progress...
all three of these talented gals are prior students of mine, and I couldn't be more proud of them
or Thankful for their Friendship!!!

Tomorrow will be spent quietly ~ perhaps working a bit in the herb garden, or maybe designing a few new things for this coming saturdays' Open House... we'll see...
I'm hoping that you ALL have a beautiful, peaceful & BLESSED
Easter Holiday!!

blessings from the farm,


gracie said...

Everyone is doing such a beautiful job....lovely friends.

My Colonial Home said...

I guess being I can't go to one of your hooking classes I live vicariously through your blog...THANK YOU ... I don't know any place close to me to take a class.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh that Iggy is a precious little devil!! I think you read his mind precisely. ;o) Looks like a fun day hooking.....And, yup, if I were Miss Joan, I'd be hopping mad. As precious and cute-as-the-dickens as she is, so not fair! ;o) Wishing you and yours a very blessed Easter Lori! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Penny said...

Love your King Iggy.... the moniker does seem to suit him....

Wish I could join the Hookers, No Cookers! Would love to learn the craft.... I'm so in love with hooked rugs these days..... Right now I am just a No Cooker... :)

Wishing you and your family a beautiful and blessed Easter!!!


Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

Thank you so much for having us down today. What a great time I always have at your shop. I love hooking and chatting with the girls. Im so excited about my new wools the are yummy!!!! The friendship that has formed over the years is very treasured.
Happy Easter

Jennifer Stumpf said...

Happy Easter, Lori! I love seeing what everyone is working on. Great photos!!! Love the kitty. :-)

Mouse said...

Happy Easter to you all :) love the kittie photos and had to laugh at the pinky finger ... should have had a china cup near by filled with tea hehehe
gorgeous looking rugs to be too :) love mouse xxxx

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

What fun to see a bit of the rugs your students are working on! Your quiet day sounds splendid. We're having a quiet Easter too. I wish my herb garden was in...but we did get the raised beds purchased! Snow flurries now though!
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

Jane said...

So great to be with such happy hookers!! I finished the strawberries last night. Thanks for such a lovley morning!

Faye said...

Oh wow...What a great time you gals were having~~ And, yes, I'm betting you ARE in trouble, but shouldn't be....Nice picture of both the ladies and their works.. I am jealous! I really REALLY need to get up your way to visit and see this hookin' in person...perhaps a road trip this summer....

You should be so proud of your budding former students...Fruits of your labor~~

Always, Faye

Chris said...

Lovely post!

Unknown said...

Love the post!


primitivebettys said...

Happy Easter to you too, Lori <3

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

oh, Sweet Iggy~ so precious, just let me sleep~
Looks a girl fun time~

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

Thankyou Lori for encouraging me on my Izzy... and yes your kitty is a king!!! LOL!!! So regal and handsome he is...This post cheered me up!!!

Thank you my friend,