Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Giving Credit ...

Good Morning everyone!

I slept like a rock last 'about you?

I guess I was SO fired-up about this whole pattern sharing thing
that I totally forgot to mention something important ~

I wanted to give credit to Nancy Pritchard
( for helping to expose the criminal website If you get a chance, stop over to Nancy's website and view her beautiful needlework designs...

I received an email from John at
Weeks Dye Works regarding the email I sent yesterday...

Thanks for the heads-up!
We will monitor what we can and help as much as we can!
We all depend on our designers to keep this industry going!
It’s a shame people are doing this when they spend more money
on their starbucks coffee than a chart that helps independent business people!
I went and viewed the site....horrible...patterns after patterns and all you have to do is join.
I want to get your permission to post this email from you on our monthly newsletter to help get the word out.
Let me know if I have your permission.
We want to do all we can to help y’all!Thanks for all you do...
John M. McGahey
Vice President
Weeks Dye Works
1510-103 Mechanical BlvdGarner,
North Carolina
27529 USA
I am happy to know that so many out there are willing to help us in the fight against this...
we can't do it without all of you!
I'll update on this subject as I get more info...
in the meantime, keep happy & keep stitching!
Blessings from the Farm!


My Colonial Home said...

this is wonderful to have a larger firm on our side as well...I think now besides them and all of us designers doing something a stop to this pirating can be stopped.
Thanks for taking this as far as you are a dear.

Margo said...

I do so hope you get people to understand about this HUGE problem. Sharing/stealing patterns has got to stop. You said it so great in all you have written so far! Thanks for getting the ball rolling!!!!

JulieF1962 said...

I noticed that "Keepsake Quilting" is a sponsor on that site. I'll bet they have no idea what they're sponsoring.

JulieF1962 said...

Hmmm.....Joann's is also a sponsor of that site.

Maybe the way to beat them is to organize boycotts on their sponsors.

xxxxx said...

I went over to that awful site to see what it was. It was horrible to even look at. I can't understand why anyone would want to use it. I would much rather get a pattern from the designer in the mail. Cheating takes all the fun out of getting a new pattern. Hope you all put a stop to this stealing.


Nicole A said...

I posted on yesterday's thread when I meant to post on today's. Probably because I am so FIRED UP the more I look at that site!!!

A few things:

1. I contacted the social media manager at JoAnn's Fabrics and sent her some screen shots. She got back to me right away and said she was looking into it. I explained to her what the site was and then put some pressure by saying there were a lot in the industry who were aware they were on the illegal site... and I would keep everyone posted to her response. :)

2. It looks like we can't comment unless we download charts illegally as it looks like that's how you get "coins" and you can only comment the more coins you have? UGH

3. In addition to the ones you names... bucilla kits, dimensions kits, Lizzie Kate, Little House, Country Cottage.....!!!!!!!!!

4. I am sick to my stomach still.


Jeanne said...

I found that illegal site after reading Ellen's post at With My Needle and doing a bit of googling. It sickened me as well and I'm glad you named them to expose it to everyone. I am emailing JoAnn's and Keepsake Quilting about being sponsors! When you see that site claims 25000 members (!!!!) and even used a copyright notice at the bottom of the site page, you wonder what the world has come to........... just call me one angry stitcher......