Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh Snow Pretty & Powerless ~

Winter showed her beautiful self to us here in Virginia yesterday...
we haven't seen a flake, but just look at what we have this morning!
sweet little bunting fluffing up from the cold ~

a beautiful view from the tiny pantry window...'s a marshmallow world.
a view of our backwoods ~
the barn & chicken coops...

....another little snow bunting

~ Pinocchio in the snow ~
~ quiet and beautiful ~

since we've been snowbound, we were also without power for 15hrs ~
we melted snow on the woodstove to wash with, lit candles and played games last night till we went to bed...
but before I did that,
what better time to pull some floss and choose a linen to start a new design with?
the colors are DMC and the linen is
Weeks' Confederate Grey ~ 30ct.
what do you think of my choices?
my thanks to you all who purchased my new designs...
they are available in my etsy shop now as well ~
I am off to shovel, then if I can get out of the driveway (it's 1/2 mile long)
I'll get to the post office to ship ~ if I can't I will ship tomorrow morning for sure!!!!
have a beautiful day Folks!!!
blessings from the farm,



cucki said...

ohhh so much snow.i am here in africa..for me it is a it so much :)
i really love your choice of threads and lovely linen color too..
big hugs cucki xx

Jean Barker said...

Hi Lori,

We missed out! New Market, VA didn't get any snow.
The PO is closed today, so don't hurt yourself shoveling to get out today.
Wonderful color choice.

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Lori:
How pretty and fluffy like cotton candy. Pinocchio doesn't look like
he's impressed though. We still don't have any snow here in Massachusetts.
Do you want to send some our way?
I like the floss and linen colors!

Cindy said...

If you're going to town just for the post office, don't worry about it...CLOSED today for Presidents Day! Stay in where it's warm, dry and cozy!
Enjoy your day!

MoonBeam said...

Don't you love those winter wonderland type snows? I hope Pinocchio likes them!


Mugwump Woolies said...

Beautiful! Oh how I miss snow days! Love that puffy little Pinocchio...he looks sweet and gentle.
Stay warm,

denise said...

beautiful snow! and i have to say your floss choices are beautiful,too! denise

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Love those colors! We have early spring here in NH. No snow...just brown and chilly with a good wind! Strange to think of snow south of me!

Nancy said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful snowy pictures! I love your new thread choices - the bright 780 looks wonderful with the other colors.

Beehive Needleworks said...

Lovely, snowy photographs of the Farm from your windowpane. I feel certain that the peaceful time (sans power) shared with family shall be treasured always.
Wishing you joyful stitching with your soft, Springtime palette.

frontporchprims said...

What an amazing snow storm. And to leave you powerless for so long. I am glad you had that wood stove. How fun to pretend for a moment that you lived way back when. Thanks for the post. -Steph-

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Pretty photos~ captivating~