Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What a Boob....

Hello Folks!

just chiming in here for a moment...
I've been keeping a secret from you all ~

I had an appointment for a double core biopsy today (right breast)
and am a bit sore...don't really want to dwell on anything negative, so I'm staying hopeful & positive that my results will come back good....hope to
get my results back either thursday or friday...
so, if you have a second to think a good thought, send up one for me?
I am trying to work on some new punch needle patterns,
but I am sore on that side so I can't. *blech*.
but I'll be back at it soon enough!
will show you sneak-peeks soon :)
....have a beautiful day my sweet Friends!!
blessings from the farm,


earlyamerica 1815 said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way Lori!! Wishing you nothing but the BEST...Tina

cucki said...

Hello my dear friend you are in my prayers and thoughts ..
Sending you warm hugs with my love and blessings
Take care
Cucki xxx

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Thank you for sharing--it is tough! Will most definitely send up good thoughts for and prayers for you.

Keep on going! I know it is hard, but it is the best thing you can do for yourself!

tj said...

...I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers, today and always.

...Get some rest, 'kay?


...Peace & Blessings

Cathy G. said...

I'm keeping you in thought and prayers! Stay positive and busy dear friend! Know we're out here for you!!
Hugs and blessings!!!
Cathy G

WoolenSails said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
It is hard waiting for results, but keeping a positive attitude is the best thing.


Michele said...

sending you lots of snowy positive thoughts!

Jeanne said...

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers !! Looking forward to the new patterns.

bayrayschild said...

Sending good vibes and prayers your way!


Jo Ann said...

Lori, you will be on the top of my prayer list and I have a prayer chain of dear friends so I will pass this along to them. We are a powerful group when we put our minds to it. God bless you always. Jo Ann

Birdie said...

Lori, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong .


Mugwump Woolies said...

Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way...take care.

Nancy said...

Thoughts and prayers coming your way for a good outcome!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Lori ~
Thinking positive thoughts for you!!! The wait is so scary ~ been there done that several times.
Big hugs :)

from me to thee......... said...

Lori, you will be in my thoughts and prayers......thinking only good thoughts, hugs, Linda

Penny said...

I know the waiting is so very hard -- stay strong and positive!
I once had a lump removed and biopsied -- very nerve-racking, but all was well. I will pray for the same result for you....

basketsnprims said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

flutterbygone's said...

Sending many good thoughts your way!!! :)

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Sending up a 'good thought' right now!! Feel it?! Just received my Primitive Quilts issue ~ your needle punch house is darling! You always have the neatest designs! Thanks for sharing your need for prayer ~ it works wonders!

Dawn Heese said...

Sending positive vibes your way.

Raymond Homestead said...

Nothing but positive thoughts coming your way!

Chris said...

Sending good thoughts your way Lori!

Beth said...

Lori - You are not alone.

jennifer768 said...

Lori,keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!Big hugs,Jen

Bittersweetfolkart said...

It's good they are checking everything out .
Think positive my friend.

Hugs ~


Sherri Farley said...

Sending all my positive vibes your way!!!!

marly said...

Hope your soreness leaves you sooner than expected. The good news is that doctors today are so extremely cautious. Some times we go through hell waiting for benign results because of this, but well worth the peace of mind. Hoping for that peace of mind for you!

old crow said...

Lori, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!
Big Hugs to you!!

Jonette said...

Thinking positive thoughts! Good luck!

Daughternature Primitive Folk Art said...

Oh Lori, I will certainly say a prayer for you! - BJ

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Oh Lori, I am sending you all good thoughts and vibes your way!!! The waiting is the hardest part....OLM

ctlogcabin said...

Lori ~~
Sending Prayers, Good Thoughts & Hugs ~~ Connie xox

Stitching Cat said...

Lori - sending prayers and hugs! Wishing for great news.

Carol said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way.


Ronda said...

Thinking of you...positive thoughts!!.

Jane said...

Sending my love, hugs and prayers with all of the above! Please keep us posted.

Kerri Arthur said...

I am sending you happy thoughts and am putting you in my prayers!

Hugs and happy thoughts!


Dog Trot Farm said...

Sendings thought and prayers Lori, keep the faith. Sending blessings from Maine, Julie.

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

You have such a positive attitude. I am sending up strong prayers and seeing you in full health. Keep the faith, my dear.
Hugs and blessings,

Ranae said...

I'm sending good thoughts for you, Lori
Take care!

Unknown said...

Sending good thoughts your way and am praying for you...I am going through chemo right now for breast cancer..Being positive is a healer and our God is a healer. Any questions please feel free to email me...I had a biospy to and I think that is worse than going through chemo. (((Hugs)))) I know the waiting period is the worst for the results.. Prayers again going up...Lisa

Firecracker Kid said...

Hi Lori :) Well, it's good you had the test. I will certainly say a prayer for you. Positive thoughts :)
I know sore boobs are no fun.

P.J. said...

Positivity and optimism are good for the healing spirit. Sending the good ju-ju your way lady. Thinking of you!

Cornbread and Beans Quilting said...

Just popping in to say God Bless and I will send up some prayers for you.

mary pernula said...

I'm sending you my prayers. Hugs Mary

Phyllis said...

Praying your results will be good news.

Kris Miller said...

Hi Lori,

I went through a breast biopsy a few years ago...can't remember what it was but it was the kind where you are laying down (very still) on a table and your boob hangs through a hole. Anyway, I literally feel your pain! And I know the mental anguish of waiting for results. I was lucky and my results were good. I'm praying for you sister-friend!

Lee Hill Primitives said...

Positive Mind! Sending good thoughts and prayers to you.

Faye said...

Sending up good prayers for you.... always, Faye

Karen Buchheit said...

I'm sending all very positive thoughts your way!

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I know this all too well. Stay strong and positive and we will all be sending up good prayers and keeping you our thoughts.
Big hugs,

Vivian said...

Stay well dear Lori, you are surrounded by much goodwill and friendship.

Anonymous said...

I am saying a prayer for you as I type.
Best wishes.

Taryn said...

My prayers are definitely with you. Got my own little surgery thing tomorrow morning (only seven hours to go--akk!) so I can relate to the stress and uncertainty doctors put us through. I am sorry you are so sore you cannot divert yourself with stitching.

Kim said...

Sending you positive thoughts, things will be OK!

Mouse said...

ouchie re the sore bit ... sending ((((((hugs))))) that the results are very good for you ... rest up and take care of yourself :) love mouse xxxxx

Unknown said...

Praying hard for you Lori, that you have the best results possible.

Kathy Barrick said...

I'm filling the whole damned galaxy with positive thoughts for you. xoxoxoxox Kathy

The Cinnamon Stick said...

Prayers and best thoughts for a speedy healing with great news. You have alot of good friends (even if you haven't met us) thinking positive for you - Thoughts become things...think the good ones!

edie said...


The waiting and the unknown are the hardest part. I'm sending cyber hugs and heartfelt thoughts to you. Hug a kitty, pet a donkey, take some stitches -- best medicine in the world! edie

Saundra said...

I believe in the power of prayer and there are a lot of us saying some for you.


Katrina said...

Lots of prayers your biopsy results are good!!!! I am sure it's a bit scary waiting. Hopefully staying busy will help.

Sherry said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! I always hate the waiting but you have people thinking of you.

Jennifer Stumpf said...

Praying for you, Lori!! Sending many healing thoughts for your pain right now. I had the same thing done three years ago--

connie said...

Lori I had one done years ago and it is an uneasy time until you get the results.Sending good thoughts your way..Try and stay busy it will help keep your mind off it.

Cindy said...

Keeping you in thoughts and prayers, my friend!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Dear Lori,
I saw this a bit late, but wanted to add my thoughts and prayers to the growing list! One can certainly never have too many of either, yes?
May you have a deep sense of peace and comfort today and find laughter in the little things!!
Wishing you joy and wonderful news!
Blessings and "gentle" hugs~~

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Sending fiercely positive vibes your way!!

Take care dear!


Ronnie said...

You are in my prayers!

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

So sorry Lori. You are in my prayers.

Sherillee said...

Blessings are heading your way. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sherillee from Winterport, ME

Merilyn said...

Prayng for a good result Lori!

Constance said...

Yur fine attitude is what will get you through all this. Keep it up!!
Constance from Utah

sheravery said...

Hi Lori,
A few months ago my doctor sent me over to Dartmouth/Hitchcock to have the same thing done. They gave me this handy-dandy little 'ice pack' that you put in your bra. Helped a lot with the discomfort. I was given good news. Keep positive thoughts, and we will all say an extra prayer for you.
