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Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Tea Time ~

Good Morning Friends & Folk!

it is a much warmer day here today in Virgina ~
too warm for me for January as far as this Yankee girl is concerned.

I like it COLD in January.
actually, I like it SNOWY in January & February ~
(i don't think we could have counted 2 flakes so far)
but, now that I've jinxed us I'm sure a foot will befall us soon!

although it is sunny, and a great day for hanging the laundry (I hear the washer spinning now)
I am a bit under-the-weather today.

yep ~ I caught the Crud.

clammy, scratchy, sneezy, itchy, drippy, stuffy & ache-y...
(my word, me thinks the 7 Dwarves have moved in!!)

but I will hang the sheets nonetheless....

and TEA always makes me feel better...
actually anything having to DO with TEA makes me feel better!

I collect Tea Saucers...not fine ones, but chipped & cracked ones...
perfectly imperfect (like me! hahaha)

I prefer the brown & pink (rose) colored patterns ~
so pretty & delicate (again, like me! hahahah!...ok, my sinus meds are kicking in now...)

I love this one below the most...

it's funny though, I don't collect Tea Cups!
I prefer to drink my piping-hot Earl Grey in a huge black ceramic mug that has the words
"BIG BOSS" emblazoned acrossed the front.

(yeah I know, how romantic)
but I like a BIG cup of TEA!

my sweetener of preferrence is honey ~
not just any honey, but a local honey made by Bees that borrow the nectar from
the Herbs grown in a local Cemetary in Lynchburg, Virginia ~

the Cemetary is called
Olde City Cemetary & their website is:

how many of you are Tea Lovers? or collect Tea cups/saucers?

well, the washer has stopped spinning...telling me it's time to head out into the sunshine
with my bakset of clothespins ~ when I'm finished I'll head back into the farmhouse and settle into my stitching chair and pour myself another cup....

blessings from the farm,



Penny said...

Feel better soon, Lori -- I, too, have the same crud -- I am a coffee-drinker, but perhaps I will go in a make myself a big cup of tea, as well.....
Hope you have a wonderful weekend....

Sea Witch said...

Hope you kick the crud to the curb quickly and you should drinking marvelous teas from antique transferware cups. I adore transferware and tea so you have nailed my interest with this post. My favorite teacup is my antique flow blue handless cup. Has a few cracks and flakes in it but I don't care. I love it.

The Attic said...

Love your new header! I wish I knew how to do that picture voodoo you do so well.

If you want snow, move to Colorado. Although it does not last long. It was 70 degrees here yesterday. I loved it! No coat, boots, gloves, hat, scarf, etc. Great walking weather.

Get well soon.


Natasha said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. I drink coffee in the morning but I LOVE a nice cup of tea in the afternoon.

I just recently bought a tea kettle, there is something about hearing the whistle form the kettle, I dont know it makes the drinking of the tea that much more enjoyable :)

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Get better fast, Lori. I love the brown transferware patterns, too.
Tea always tastes/works better in
pretty cups with saucers.

Peggy Lee said...

UGH...the crud! It's awful stuff. There's something healing about a good cup of tea. Although I'm raising an eyebrow about your BIG BOSS mug. :o)
Love the plates!
Feel better soon.

By Thy Hands Tinkerings said...

AWWWW, poor you!!! I hope you feel better soon. I hope you are enjoying your new puter. Have a great day Lori!!!


mary pernula said...

Love the little plates, I collect odds and ends as well and my favorite ones are the ones that are chipped and stained brown........there is something about a item that has a blemish on it. Hope you feel better soon, I am trying to get on the mend as well. HUGS MARY

rememberwhenfarm said...

hope you get to feeling better soon Lori.....I like china too, and the more chipped and discolored the better. I collect platters and pitchers and maybe a few bowls. I have used old platters, all different patterns and colors, in my bathroom as a border.

annie said...

Hope you feel better quickly! I love all the transfer ware patterns and plates!

cucki said...

hope you feel better soon..
have a lovely day..hugs cucki xx

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Hope the cold comes and the crud leaves soon! I love old dishes... my son opened the cabinet to get plates for a meal with Mom recently, and said I know what I can get you -- more dishes! He thought he was being humorous, but I didn't think it was so funny. Just teasin'. I was funny. Take care, and be well.

Cindy said...

I hear ya sista! It's been SO warm here, too, yet keeping a low fire going just to keep the gas heat from kicking on!
John's g'ma and great-aunts collected cups & saucers so many years ago...we all took our picks then let the rest go because we just couldn't keep them all...there were that many!
Feel better soon!!

Patty ♣ said...

I love your header! Wish I was closer to where you are, I'd visit and would love to hug your he haw friends! I check in on you all the time. Yes, I love tea cups and saucers. Actually am looking at the red transfer ware most of the time. I like the browns too. Hope you feel better very soon! Susan Branch has her recipe for homemade chicken stock on her site right now...Maybe you would like to make some of that ?? Till next time.

Jody Battaglia said...

Hello Lori...I can think of nothing as un-satisfying as a tiny cup of tea. I am a mug girl myself.
Have "steaming hot" fun, Jody

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Oh, poor you! The crud is well...cruddy in the extreme! I have always loved tea. Actually, my Starbucks working son has spoiled me with coffee, so I've gotten away from tea...but I've had the tea cup collection, which I weeded out two moves ago. Now, I like a handcrafted pottery mug to hold my tea. I like it either with cream and sugar, or lemon and honey. It's really the best, isn't it?
Feel better soon, dear!