Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, January 07, 2012


Hi Friends & Folk...

my little shop will be closed today.

I am still punky from the crud and now it has travelled down to my chest.


oh, and Mr. Ignatious Katt needs me to stay in the warm farmhouse
to fetch him his catnip-mouse every now-and-again.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but I'd rather not spread my crud to anyone else ~
I WILL be open again on Wednesday (perhaps even Tuesday) of next week.

in between blowing my sore nose and napping,
I did manage to put Christmas away ~
down came the trees & trimmings and out came my flowers...

yes, I agree...a little early ~ but ~ they lift my spirits and make me feel cheerful
and I can use all the help I can get right now with this yuck-of-a-cold.

morning sunlight has always been my favorite...
I love how it slips in and gently wakens & warms us ~

no, they're not real, but Tulips are my very favorite flower
and none are up yet ~ so silk will have to do!

I'm working on little ditties for this coming Saturday,
I will be heading out to Donna's Cabin for her

Cabin Goods Gathering

(see link on top of my sidebar)
I'll have a small selection of finished stitched items & other needfuls ~
Millstone Mercantile (Robin)
Hen House Primitives (Cecilia) and a few chosen others will be there...
it promises to be a great little show ~ and I think a perfect time of the year for one!
Hope to see you there ~

well I'm off to put a pot of soup on the woodstove...
just what the doctor ordered!!!

blessings from the farm,


kelley said...

Lori your house looks divine...hope you don't mind I snaggy the photo of Iggy for my desktop background...what a sweet fella...sorry about your cold...I've got the same thing and am so glad for 2 days off from work to rest...think I've personally bought all the Puffs with lotion tissue in town this week...hugs, feel better soon

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Lori - feel better soon...

Thankfully it's a little warmer outside.. and sunny.


Heidi Steiner said...

Sorry to know you have a nasty cold. I too have been fighting with one since last week. Take care and feel better soon!

Bittersweetfolkart said...

I hope you feel better soon :)

~ hugs ~

Earlene said...

Love your room!
Happy Saturday :0)

cucki said...

I hope you get well soon dear xxx

Never So Simple said...

Hope you feel better real soon. The flowers are pretty tulips are my favorite as well.


Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Lori Wishing you well~
Kitty looks so comfy cozy~ getting bigger!!!
Your home is gorgeous~ oh, the touch of spring blooms to brighten the winter blues~
enjoy your soup~

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Have some nice fresh ginger tea with'll help. Feel better soon!

Prims By The Water said...

Loved looking at pictures of your home...if I was you...would not want to leave. Everthing look so warm and inviting and cozy. take care, Janice

Penny said...

I'm still battling the same thing as you -- it does seem to want to hang on for quite some time!! The cough racks the body -- and doing even the slightest thing makes me so tired.....

Hope you are feeling much better soon. Love the pics of your room -- so nice and welcoming.

I have little hyacinth tops coming up in my garden -- they are as confused as the rest of us with this weather!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Sorry to hear you still under the weather. Hope it goes away soon.
Do enjoy the day stitchin up some fun.
Prim Blessings

Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

That blue and white quilt is a real eye catcher!

Jonette said...

Hope you feel better soon!