Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My little collection of antique & vintage sewing hoops is growing...
i seem to 'find' them wherever I go...and usually pick them up for pennies on the dollar ~
these are my wooden hoops:

I only collect those made in Germany or the USA
no later than 1950...
these are my metal hoops:
(I love the green enamel one!)

I love how worn & smooth they are
and as I use them I try to imagine what was stitched on them.

the large ovals & the tiny rounds are my very favorites~
I put them to good use and when they're not in use
they keep me company in my sewing room.

can you see the white 'house' in the picture above?
it is being worked on now...a new Spring design from Notforgotten Farm...

The Feeding the Reindeer & Merry Yule charts will be available soon,
and will be relisted in my Etsy shop ~ I'll announce that here on the blog.

Hoping you all have a creative & happy Wednesday!

blessings from the farm,


HomeSpunPrims said...

I have a couple small old wooden hoops. You have a nice collection.
I love your header! So fun to see you in your shop. And I love what I see of the white house x-stitch. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve! Hugs, Lori

frontporchprims said...

The wood is beautiful. You have a great collection. I like the oval ones. The metal ones are neet too. -Steph-

Simply Shelley said...

I love these and have a few old ones myself...waiting for the day when I plan to do a little stitching :)

Simply Shelley said...

Oh,yes...I love your header have a wonderful shop.

My Colonial Home said...

What a unique collection - I've never seen anyone who collectes these!
Happy New Year

prims by olde lady morgan said...

Love them...If those hoops could talk...the stories they can tell! OLM

Denise said...

I have started a small collection of hoops, too. I have my grandmother's and some of my own. A friend found some at an estate sale. I have mine
altogether in a honeysuckle vine basket.
Happy New Year!

Roberta said...

I haven't heard of anyone collecting these before either, but think it's a very good idea! You've piqued my interest and I'll have to do some research on how you determine the age and keep an eye out for these locally! ~Roberta

Mary said...

You have a nice collection Lori. I have some of my grandmother's hoops. I love your header. I wish that I lived closer to visit your shop. I would be taking all of your needlework classes. Mary

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

I've never been lucky enough to find any hoops in the antique or vintage shops. I love the ovals, too.
I've not ever seen metal hoops.
You've got a nice collection, Lori.

Sherri Farley said...

What an interesting collection!!

Diane said...

I have a 'hoop' collection too! I just can't bare to leave one behind if I find one at an Estate sale. They are usually left behind and can be picked up for next to nothing. My favorite are the metal ones - the more worn and loved the better. I feel like it's a secret honor being passed to the next 'keeper'.

Heidi Steiner said...

Great collection of hoops Lori! Your new stitchery looks like a beauty...can't wait to see it finished.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Great collection Lori - I'm caught glimpses of your collection in other pictures you've posted from time to time, and have always admired them. I would have no idea how to just their age though. You should enlighten us sometime.....Wishing you a new year full of hope, promise and joys....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Merilyn said...

What a wonderful collection of hoops! I've never seen oval ones before, so nice that they are still in use today!! Have a great New Year!!!