Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Jolly's ~

Good Morning Friends & Folk~
how do you like the new 'look' to the blog?
I am always playing with it, I know..but I have been drawing so much lately, that I wanted it to reflect that ~ speaking of drawing, I am working on a new 2012 Calendar that 9hopefully) will be ready to ship by this weekend..
I know a lot of you have asked if there will be another coming, and the answer is yes!

here are a few
Little things around the farmhouse that make me smile... antique Tom's Coconut Hut's Candy Jar filled with chocolate-delights :)
(well, it WAS filled...)

one of my antique French wire dress forms, wearing a Victorian weskit :)
(wish my waist was that small...where are those chocolates again?)

some festive sewies....

our Tannenbaum ~
decorated carefully by Miss Hannah & her beau, Skyler...
the farmhouse wears a simple dress of Christmas...
I tend to decorate with things I love, no matter what...I'll mix in vintage, retro, farmhouse ~
primitive, cottage, whimsical & contemporary together
~ if it pleases my heart & eye!!

I don't allow the passing-fancies or fads dictate my heart~
i guess I love it all!!!

blessings from the farm,



primitivebettys said...

Your decorations on the blog and at home are just lovely! (as always my friend!)

Mugwump Woolies said...

I like so many different things it makes my head hurt! A "purist" I'm not...mix it is short. It all looks great, Lori.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Love the new look!!!
Oh, I like your mixture ~ so comfy~ cozy & warm

Robin Leuschen said...

I love your drawings and your blog looks wonderful dressd up in them !!! I love the fact that you are brave enough to be "sincere" in your what you love !! It looks lovely and inviting !!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Love the new look on the blog Lori - so fun to see your wonderful drawings. And your decorations and treasures suit the farmhouse wonderfully. I, too, decorate and collect things that make my heart smile - and it pleases me well. (I am a wee bit jealous though - you said "one" of your antique dress forms?? Sigh....) Hannah and Skyler did great on the tree - do they hire out? ;o) Smiles & Tuesday Hugs ~ Robin (So bummed I missed out on your online show. Boo Hoo....)

NMK said...

How do you do so many Awesome things on your blog ??? It always looks Great & Santa & his sleigh...that was just the Frosting on the Cake !!!! So Neat !!! I am busy decorating my house & I too have some very old special treasures from when I was a little girl...isn't it fun to mix all your special decorations together ? Seeing them makes me feel so happy inside ! When my kids see them year after year, they smile too ! Fond Memories...

cucki said...

hello dear, i love the new look so is so sweet..
everything is looking so beautiful..
hugs and blessings xx

frontporchprims said...

I love the new blog design. It is so cute and that Santa that drives by the top is awesome. Good job. I love your Christmas decor. It all goes together well. It takes talent and eye to mix styles so well. Merry Christmas. -Steph-

Constance said...

I always enjoy visiting your blog and I love your new design and that Santa is just so cute. I love your decororating and your many talented designs. Where, where do you get your energy???? Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for allowing me to visit your lovely home.
Bright blessings,

Hannah's PinKeep said...

Beautiful as always, Lori. I love visiting your blog. Your home is amazing, warm, and so inviting! Happy holidays to you and yours,

jennifer768 said...

Everything looks lovely!Loving the new look!Hugs,Jen

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Oh, I so love your new blog header. All your drawings are just wonderful and I really enjoy seeing them every time you create one. You are blessed with much talent. Thanks for sharing them.