Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I cannot believe it...
my MAIN computer...the one that holds ALL of my designing software, programs, pictures & files has (shudder)

I am in complete shock over this...this is my busiest time of the year (wasn't I just saying that?)
oh my stars & garters...what to do?
I brought it's brain to the computer doctor and I'm awaiting the diagnosis...
but I fear the worst.,..
it is a dinosaur...
an archaic monster..
a workhorse
that has been my life-line
for the past 8 years,....

what does this mean for my customers????
it means that those who have ordered the NEW patterns
(Feeding the Reindeer & Merry Yule)
will have the option of getting a refund,
or waiting until I'm up & running again before I can mail you your patterns,...
I AM SO SORRY for the inconvenience...
this ALSO includes SHOP ORDERS for the same 2 patterns...

(all of my other, 'older' patterns I have in 'hard copy' form, so I can get those orders mailed out)
I have been so busy trying to get the NEW orders out that I didn't yet have the chance to make

'hard copies' of the 2 new ones...

....a tough lesson learned there, my friends.

so please, PLEASE let me know if you want to be refunded by emailing me here at

you have no idea how upset I am.
I want to cry (some more) and just bury my head in a hole somewhere.

I am now going to submerge myself in a hot bath.

then drown my sorrows in Hot Chocolate & Choc Chip Cookies...

...and hopefully be able to sleep tonight thinking about this mess...

i appreciate all of you, your constant support and ever-encouraging kindness...
I love what I do and am blessed with a great life, family & friends like you who can relate to life's ups & downs...I will do my best to have this situation fixed asap!
(geeez...lately it has been one thing after the other...hope the stars align again soon!)

How many of you out there use a MAC computer?

blessings from the farm


Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

So sorry, Lori ~ but I bet your customers are happy to wait until your 'stars align' again! We are so dependant on technology anymore ~ me included!! Good luck!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Oh my dear! I'm so sorry you are going through this. Please keep your focus on getting those images back. Maybe someone even copied them...I know, a big no, no...but if they would share them back. I hope the techno person will have success. I'm praying!

Orlythe said...

(raises hand). I use a Mac, and you'd love it, Lori. Freedom from all known viruses and most malware (as long as you don't respond to phishing expeditions.). Take a look at the Mac Mini. Mini in size, and relatively inexpensive, but powerful and full-sized under the hood. Say good-bye to the Blue Screen of Death!

No affiliation -- just a satisfied customer. Good luck with your computer woes, sweetie. God knows we've all been there.

Betty Lou said...

So sorry to hear about your computer Lori. We are so dependant on them and when they are down it is frustration st the highest level. I guess antiques and vintage are wonderful in everything except computers. Hope you get your information restored.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

So sorry Lori . . . !
I vote mac!! ;-)

Good luck . . . All will be well!


Jacqueline said...

This too will pass. Just hang in there and realize it is not within your control. Things will work out. But I do feel really bad for you.

PegC said...

the computer genius will get it! Don't loose heart and then...back up like crazy!

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I'm so sorry Lori. I know exactly how you feel. This happened to me only a few weeks ago and I felt as if someone very close me had died. All my patterns, designs and pics. It leaves you in a state of shock, that's for sure. I was lucky that my hubby knew what to do to try and get it working again. I have a new backup hard drive now and I'm going to make sure everything goes on it.
I sure hope it all works out for you too and that you are back up and running quickly without missing much of a beat. My fingers are crossed for you. xxoo

Cindy said...

I am so sorry for your computer troubles. We are a Mac household 2 laptops, 1 iMac, 1 ipad, 2 iphones, 6 ipods. We have found them to be durable workhorses. Well worth the extra cost. Feel free to email if you would like to discuss.

cucki said...

oh no..i am so sorry to hear about your computer lori,
but dont worry dear it will pass soon..everything will be fine.
sending you ((hugs)) xx

Jennie Lynn @ Appleseed Prim said...

This happened to my DH's work laptop just last month. Thank goodness he is great about backing up all the computers on a passport external hard drive. It's time consuming locating all the files and restoring them but it's such a comfort knowing they are safe.

You did say it was your most busy time of year. Perhaps this is fate's way of telling you to slow down? It's little consolation, I know. Maybe exactly what you needed was a night filled with chocolate and this was the only way fate could orchestrate for you to get it.

I hope it can be saved and if not is quickly replaced.

Sending good thoughts your way . . .

susiedele said...

So sorry, Lori, I'm betting your geek squad will find an answer for you. Got my fingers crossed,too.
My last 2 'puters have been a Mac and I'll never go back. Geeze did that rhyme?

Patty C. said...

So sorry - I hope everything works out for you !!!

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Oh, my so sorry~
keeping my fingers crossed for you~

Anonymous said...

I am a Mac person, always have been. I hate to tempt the Gods, but we have never had a computer crash...just sayin'. At the very least you need to get a system for backing up your very important things. Supposedly Macs automatically back up but we do have another piece of software that backs everything up. Macs are so user friendly and the creative side of them is so easy to use. That said, many programs are not Mac friendly....I use a quilting program and I have to use a crummy PC that we bought for things that don't run on a Mac. Crossing fingers for you! ;-D

Heartsdesire said...

Oh, how disheartening. I can only imagine how upset you must be. Hope the chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate helped. If not, chocolate in general might be the answer. I don't have a blog, but I use a 13-inch screen MacBook, and so far, (fingers crossed) I've had no trouble with it. My husband, on the other hand, who uses a PC, is constantly complaining about it. I've used a Mac since they first came out and find them to be very user friendly. I would heartily recommend buying one.

Simply Wendy said...

Ouch, Lori! I feel your pain! And we went iMac this time around and LOVE IT! The graphics, the speed - think about it! A teeny, tiny learning curve after being a PC person forever, but you can do it. Hope you're back to normal soon, hang in there! Wendy

Beth Merryfield and Stephanie Monahan said...

Oh Lori, So So Sorry. I hope you are back up and running soon. Stephanie

Cindy said...

I've been singin' that little song..."all I want for Christmas is a new computer w/high speed internet"...

oldgreymare said...


My first visit over and I am reading my way backwards and oh dear you poor thing. It'll be Ok..honest. What made me stop here and leave my first comment is your inquiry about the Mac.
I am on my fourth. My family all total? At least 12 including pad and I phones NEVER had one single problem with any of them. We love Mac.
I would never use anything else

Don't know why anyone would want to lol
So nice to meet you :D

frontporchprims said...

Ohhhh Nooooo. I hope the hot bath and cookies helped. The doctor can fix it up. They usually can. We only had our Imac a year and had to replace the mother board on it. My brother too and the tech have had problems with the new ones. Tons of people are by the sounds of it. We do love it though besides the glitch. Hopefully it's fixed now and it was covered still. We would by another again and only Apple products from now on. They really are so user friendly. -Steph-

Ronda said...


I've been trying to get back in touch with you via Etsy or email..I still didn't get my Feeding the Reindeer pattern on Etsy...could you please check on it for me?...thank you~Ronda