Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Happy Spring Everyone :)
I, for one, am SO happy that today marks what soon will be
the first of many warmer days...
we have been listening to the teeny green tree frogs here in the back of the farmhouse ~ they live near the creek and on the first warm day, they start their twitterpating & peeping.
it's a beautifully-deafening sound!
and, I have been cleaning out this old farmhouse ~
starting with my sewing room...
here's how my shelves look now:
neat & tidy

I decided to store the cut wools and their accompanying worms in my glass jars in front of their corresponding colors...
i really love how this looks, and the glass jars make it so easy to see the wool ~

nice & clean

of course, between cleaning ~
I take tea breaks and peruse my two favoprite magazines,
FOLK & MaryJanes Farm!!

staples in my reading pile ~

 after tidying up,
the sun was coming in so pretty this morning
that I had to take some snaps of where I spend alot of my time....

a cozy little creative-nook

I put the slipcover on my hooking chair
 after it was freshly laundered and hung to dry in the bright sun... the whole room smells like spring!

my chair awaits ~

cleaning out items that I no longer need, the room seems bigger to me....

not really big at all, Peter says it's about 12' x 17'

I am happy & content in this humble farmhouse...
now onto the other rooms!!
Happy Spring Cleaning to you all!!!!
Remember, you can stand an egg on it's end today because of the Earth's rotaional pull...
try it, it really works!

Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Morning Lori, everything looks so clean and comfy in your wonderful farmhouse....Wish I could hear those little peepers,:( freezing here, Spring Blessings Francine.

  2. Hi Lori,
    I just drool every time I see photos of your fabulous farm house! LOVE the way you organize and the wool worms in the jars are just beautiful! I would need quite a few more jars to do that with mine ( Okay.. 50 gallon crocks LOL!) I also am in LOVE with your little pouch you hooked.... more drooling!)
    Happy Spring and what I wouldn't give to hear those peepers in your back yard!!
    Cathy G

  3. Looks nice!!!! Happy Spring!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  4. Love Love Love this cozy nook and love the pouch with the denim pocket. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Looking forward to spring but not the cleaning!!!
    So organized you are ~ looks great!!!
    Hope your day is filled with sunshine!
    Happy Spring!
    Prim Blessings
    Off to try the egg thing

  6. You make me feel soooooooo L A Z Y!
    Love your cozy creating area...I Love everything about your home!

  7. I could definitely stitch in that room! it Lori! Everything looks so fresh~ Happy Spring..

  8. Love your work room ! Another neat idea you have of putting your worms in a jar ! I can't wait to hear the frogs chirping again....instead we have another coating of that snow...UGH Enough !!! Bad Ground Hog !!!

  9. Your room looks so cozy and clean. Need to do that myself. this morning my husband was in the kitchen, I had the back door open and the birds were singing away and he wanted to know what that was. LOL he dosen't go outside. I told him it was the first day of Spring. Oh and isn't MaryJane Farms the best?

  10. What a lovely space to work in - I'd sit there more often than not with the sun streaming in.
    Such a pleasant room and I love the glass jars for the 'worms'...great idea.

  11. Happy Spring Lori!
    i just love that sunlight streaking into your room and warming up your creativity:-)


  12. i would agree that is a beautifully, cozy room to spend a lot of imagination time in......wish i were
    as motivated to clean!

  13. Happy Spring, Lori!!! Love your pictures. Just can't wait to get outside and dig in the ground.

  14. What a warm wonderful cozy room.
    Love the jars of wool.
    Woolie Hugs

  15. You're putting me to shame; the only thing I've cleaned out so far is the Two Roosters Facing that was won by Robin. I've a way to go to look as organized as you.


  16. Hi Lori,

    What a comfy cozy room for hooking and needling!

    Egg didn't stand in SC...guess we have a different gravity pull!LOL

    Prim Blessings,

  17. I am loving your cozy spot for creating !! Especially that beautiful sun shining through your window.....
    I had to chuckle when I noticed your old big tin for a trash can...I have a big crock for mine in my craft room...everyone asks why I don't have a regular trash bin...WHAT ??? that's too.....regular !!!

  18. Nice Job,,, it was fun to visit.

  19. What a beautiful and inspirational room, no wonder you create such beautiful treasures! Love your chair as well and I can imagine how wonderful it smells with it's freshly washed and line dried slipcover :O)

  20. I love your farm house, the work room studio is just fabulous!

  21. you have created the most beautiful cosy nest for creating, I just love it and I love the spring in a jar!

  22. I love your cozy room! I could spend countless hours in there..stitching away in that comfy chair..bliss! Thank you for sharing! Blessings, Lori

  23. Such a nice job in your spring cleaning project, Lori! It’s nice to see that you enjoyed organizing and cleaning every area of your place. Cleaning is important since dirt and bacteria are dime a dozen and can make our house unsafe. Being sanitary and responsible is a good counter measure. Thanks for sharing! :)

    German Zollinger @ Total Clean Equip


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