Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Snow Day ~

we woke to about 4 inches of snow this morning ~
it continued to snow for a couple of hours more....
Iggy loves to watch out the window as it snows...

this is who he was watching:

a pair of Mourning Doves at the backyard feeder.
snow pretty.....

a beautiful late-Winters' snowfall ~

inside, we were warm & cosy...
I love our humble little farmhouse ~

a portion of our keeping room

Peter cut some fresh Daffodils
for Hannah & I the other day,
...before the snow, of course...

Spring is almost here!!

and I gifted myself with these...
a small pot of yellow Tulips

happy happy happy

I love these.
and I can plant them on my sweet Suzy's little grave, too.

will always remember.....

and, since I had a day without electricity, I ripped out this lamb ~

NOT happy happy happy.

Iggy couldn't figure out why I would do such a thing....

"why, Mom?..."

I tried to explain to him that I didn't like that little lamb but
that I would put another in it's place...

all gone.

Iggy soon realized that there was now a pile of worms on the chair
for him to play with...
he changed his mind about that first lamb after all and agreed with me
(after stealing a few strips for himself and hiding them in his toy basket)

"but Ig, I will need those to hook another lamb with..."

He agreed to share them with me, and soon I had this little lamb all hooked up ~

really happy happy happy now!

I do thank you all for your comments about that last lamb ~
 but I'm sure you'll agree
with me
(& Iggy)
...that this one is much better, no?

see? all I needed was a Snow Day to slow me down and spark my creativity :)
right now the snow is almost all gone....
just the right amount of the white stuff fell for me to slow down a bit,
and not be distracted by the phone,
 emails or tv ~
I'll work on the background a bit, but i want to add some red flowers to this rug ~
not sure where just yet, but I think perhaps I'll be pulling out that blue date and use red fabric there instead of wool ~ we'll see how that looks.
Have a wonderful, peace~full evening ~
and for those of you in the path of this snowstorm,
if you lose your electricity for a little bit ~
take time to slow down
...make every second count
instead of counting every second...
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Hi, Lori!
    Your farmhouse looks so cozy and inviting! By the way, the new lamb just looks right to me, too.

  2. The snow fall is very the Doves hiding.......Your humble farmhouse looks so so cozy, love it..........I agree the later lamb looks better......Keep Warm, Francine.

  3. Very nice improvement with your rug Lori. It's so easy to make changes when rug hooking and so necessary sometimes! Iggy would have all kinds of fun here with my piles of wool from reverse hooking!
    Oh my goodness your daffys and yellow tulips have me green!! Keep the Spring photos coming so we here in the north can see there is hope!
    Cathy G

  4. Hi Lori,,,

    so pretty...your home is so cozy..and the daffodils really say 'Spring is coming', a beautiful tribute to Suzy.
    I don't remember if I commented on the lamb the other day..but I love this one. Iggy will share I'm sure...

  5. I DO love this lamb . . . of course I liked the other as well...but I get it . . ya gotta be happy!
    Enjoy the snow, ours is almost melted!


  6. Love the picture of the birdhouse in the snow - lovely!!

  7. I didn''t mind the last sheep but - Yes -this one is nicer.

  8. Good Morning - Yes, yes, you are right...the new little sheep looks better :) We got NO snow - not even a flake, so it's back to work for me today :( Oh well, the weekend will be here soon & I can stitch then!
    I love the pics of your home :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  9. Warm and cozy home you have.

    I liked the lamb before but like it better now; ya dun good.


  10. Everything looks so pretty !

  11. I kind of liked the first sheep as well as the colors. I'm sure it will turn out lovely as everything you do does!

  12. Hi Lori,
    I must say Iggy has a look of 'what????' on his face...too cute.
    I first saw the sheep and thought it was great - but then the new one - yep, much better. You do amazing work.

    Spring will be a long time arriving here as we got approx. 6 inches more yesterday - just doesn't want to stop.


  13. Dreams snow photos. I like the new sheep on your fits in nicely with the background you are hooking...more primitive looking it!
    Cheerios, Susan


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