Thursday, March 07, 2013

Oh Boy oh boy!!!!!

There are some really neat things to do coming up in the next couple of weeks!
first, Jen & Gretchen and the girls over at
are holding a hooking retreat in April...
click on the picture below to take you to the retreat's page, where you can register ~
...or click on the link above to visit their website

I'm hoping to attend this retreat and have a blast!
hope to see lots of you there!!!
Rug Hooker, Book Author & Fiber Artist
Pat Cross
will be coming here in April to teach us how she does her beauteous, primitive
Wool Applique

this is just one project option offered, above...
you can read more about Pat's class
by clicking on my "CLASSES" link at the top of this blog.
Happy Thursday everyone, hoping you're all staying safe with our latest snowstorms~
please remember to feed/water our outdoor bird-friends during bad weather!!
(they really appreciate it)
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. That will be wonderful to have a class with Pat.
    I don't think the birds want to use our feeder today, it is way to windy, they are all hiding in the bush.


  2. Oh my goodness.... I saw this post and went to the Woolen willow website ( say that 3 time real )
    And checked it out... I called my buddy Teresa Miller ( Teresa's Primitive Treasures ) and asked if she'd be interested...she just happened to have a bus trip to Ohio for that weekend ,get cancelled,...So...we both reserved our spot and her and I are roomies !! this is my first rug hooking ANYTHING !! I'm beyond excited !!!!
    Thank you for posting about it !!

  3. Would love to make it down to one of your workshops sometime Lori! Very excited with Robin's phone call about the hooking retreat in April! Hope to meet you there!

  4. What fun...sure wish I was closer!..

  5. I really wish that I could participate in the retreat; I really love to work with wool. Meanwhile, I have a feeder just outside of the window where I have my favorite stitching chair. My feathered flock have kept me busy, but stare reproachfully when the feeder is empty!


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