Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Loopy Friends and Pulling More Loops ~

Happy Tuesday Morning Folks!

it has been a crazy-busy weekend...but I managed to pull a few loops on my sheep rug.
Saturday was our class, hence the last post, so I didn't have any time to hook.
Sunday....well, Sunday was a whole 'nother story.
Miss Flea & Miss Joan kidnapped me.
I had no control over the day, except for the fact that I was driving
and could go as fast or slow as I liked.
( to my suprise. they both agreed that I was driving too slow...)
long story short, they had alterior motives.
they conspired to keep me away from my wartm, cozy farmhouse for an entire day
whilst my dear hubby and dear daughter had a covert operation of their own going on.
I arrived home to a house-full of 'surprise' party-goers...
the house was decked out in balloons and streamers, and I was
Truly. Surprised. Honest.
Thank you my sweet friends and family!!!
alrighty then, onto the hooking part.......
Here is my progress so far, and let me be honest here, folks...I don't like it one bit!
((how many of you suffer from the same malady of self-doubt?))
the sheep looks too cartoon-y for me, although I like the colors...
the front leg is too fat and his expression looks like he's constipated.
should I put a darker line down the front leg to make it appear as two legs?
will that work?
any suggestions?? please let me know your thoughts ~

it's funny, how seeing the rug on my computer monitor REALLY helps me 'see' it differently too.

I do like the grass...
and I do like the date.
the background will be a mix of blacks, too.
(so much for that 'lighter' look I was aiming for...guess I missed!)
since I hand-cut my strips, some are skinny, some are wide...
the blue strips in the hooked date below seem to dissapear into the black of the background wools,
and I actually like this look...although it wasn't hooked this way intentionally!

happy accident!

here's a close up of the grass...
I like the mix of greens and browns.

lots of textures in there ~
another look shows the leaves and tiny branches I added...
I 'kinda' like this, we'll see though.
I also added blades of 'grass' along the top of the 'ground' to add interest to the rug.
 who knows, maybe I'll just hook it as it is and then keep it to remember the hooking journey with it..
~ or not.

to finish or not...that is the question today!
oh please let me know your thoughts about this rug....
decisions decisions...
In the meantime,
(there always seems to be a meantime, doesn't there?!)
I am punching a little robin pincushion
(it will sit atop the tin pincushion-base like my "Little Thief" design)
 to accompany the little robin hooked mat that I let you have a peek at last week...
also working on some paintings, watercolors & acrylic ~ for the March 15th update.
we are expectiong some snow here today into tomorrow too!
last hurrah of Old Man Winter perhaps ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


  1. Such lovely work Lori. I like the look on your sheep. It looks like he is basking in the sunshine.

  2. That is a tricky one. On one hand, I live the naive shape, I would change the legs, but the heard seems off some how. Try some sketches with the head down and the ear position, maybe a long snout? But in the long run, naive means not perfect and that is the charm of the old pieces.

    I do love the greens you used, nice way to shade it.


  3. The Queen says don't change nuttin' and just keep hookin'!!!!!
    And you know The Queen knows!!!!

  4. I like your sheep! I'd wait to pass jugdement until you've got the background hooked...it's amazing how that can change the perspective.
    We gotten a lot of snow and its heading your way...
    Happy belated birthday! ~L

  5. I like the sheep's smug expression. It is like he is saying this is my patch of grass and I am not moving.

  6. Self doubt ??? Well Sherry may be "The Queen" of everything else, but I've got that category all wrapped up !!!!....lol
    Lori, your lamd looks perfect...you are going for primitive/folk artsy...that's what you got !! no it doesn't look like a pastoral scene of perfectly drawn lambs lying in the grass....it's not supposed to , right ??
    It looks like a cleverly drawn and hooked folk art lamb lying in the new spring ground with the newly budded trees overhead. there...
    I LOVE the blue you used for the date, and the dark background...
    the greens in the leaves and grass really combine so nicely !!
    all in all, it's a beautiful, creatively inspired piece of handwork !I'm not an expert so I don't have lisence to critique necessarily, but as an admirerer of hooked rugs and folk art....I am drawn to it !!

  7. I love the design, the colors your using are beautiful, the sheep looks good to me, but you have a better artistic eye...so I say if your not happy with him, change him....when will you have your Robin mat ready to show???

  8. This lamb looks good and folky. I don't think you should change anything just keep hooking!

  9. Oh my, Lori... I do love this rug! The colors are beautiful -- I want to say "glorious," but that is not a word I would normally use, cause it sounds like an uppity lady I once knew... :) But that is truly the word that came to mind!! The colors ARE glorious!!
    The expression on his face reminds me of my puppies when they fall asleep with their heads up... cute as can be!! I can understand what you are saying about his leg, but I don't think it looks bad at all. Can't wait to see it finished up... I know it will be fantastic!

  10. Hi Lori,
    I love the rug, I think the sheep looks more contiplative than constipated. Perhaps he is lost in thought and wonder that his form will keep the rest of a little child through eternity. I love it and would not change a thing.

    Take care,

  11. I think it's looking good Lori! Love all those shades in the grass and the trees. The more you get done the more I'm loving it. I agree with Sherry....keep going!! Hugs, Lori

  12. Your lamb is adorable! I wouldn't change a thing on him. He looks so sleepy and cozy.


  13. It was fun reading everyone's comments....I agree with those who say "just keep hooking !" I'm sure it will look great when you get your background in. I wanna run away from the up coming snow !!!!THINK SPRING !!! Robins & Flowers !!!

  14. What a sweet surprise from your friends and family! Personally, I like your rug just the way it is and wouldn't change a thing...we're supposed to maybe/could be get some of that storm here in Northern NJ...that's ok 'cause I'll keep stitching on your birthday freebie pattern!
    Smiles, DianeM

  15. I adore your rug, Lori, every little bit of it! Keep on hookin'!
    (Self-doubt, did you say? My middle initial is S., which my mother says is for Susan, but I say it's for Self-Doubt!)


  16. Lori! Don't change a thing, the rug is awesome, totally folk art at its best, the colors are great too!!

  17. I love it just the way you have it now.Hugs,Jen

  18. I think the rug looks great and wouldn't change a thing. We've got over 10 inches of snow today and it's still snowing. What a fun surprise to come home to.

  19. Don't change a thing I love it ! It actually looks like one of the cemetery lambs! I was at an old cemetery a couple of weeks ago and there were numerous lambs in this position all around 90 to 100 yrs old. That may not be what you want but it looks good!

  20. beautiful work Lori!..love the variation in the grass. Oh what fun, kidnapped for a day and return for a party!..that's a great day!

  21. i love it! it's perfect!! denise

  22. It looks good to me! I think we can be our own worst critic....especially while we are still in the process of creating.
    Stay warm....looks like y'all are getting it out there!
    We got two rounds of it within a week! I am over winter & ready for some spring!

  23. He's perfectly prim...don't change a thing!



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