Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sneak Peek of Summer-y Things to come ~

Hello Friends & Folk!!!!

How do you like the 'new' look to my blog??
I wanted to design a header that reflected me, our beloved farm & my love of needlework…
and wanted to change the colors a bit too ~ 
...I think it suits me well, don't you?
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We've been working on our Summer designs-to-come ~
{{Miss Flea has been a busy little stitcher-bee lately…}}

for this design, I've been inspired by my gardens 
and the hundreds of bumbler & honey bees that visit us daily ~
{I call them bumbler bees because they look cute but clumsy to me!}

...this peek is of

and I've been wanting to chart a nautical-but-stitching themed design for a while ~
this one below is called:
"Uncharted Linen"

and includes motifs of rolling waves, a ship, an anchor…

{of course a sewing basket had to be included}
and you can see a whale's head too!


here is another snap of the two of them 
clothes-pinned to my project wall
waiting for their finishes...

We'll have another couple of cross stitch designs, 
and perhaps a needle punch design or two…
~ plus new thread winders that I think you'll love!!!

Looking towards an early June release date for all !

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. Your new designs look wonderful, so inspiring. You're such a clever lady ;o)

  2. Gotta say I preferred the look of your blog was more "welcoming" and easier on the eye than the black background...

    Just sharing my opinion since you asked...

  3. Your new header is just perfect! I'm still smiling from my trip to Notforgotten Farm and can't wait for these new designs to be released.

  4. Great sneak peeks of your new designs, Lori! I like your new blog header, but the black background is not easy on the eyes and makes the reading of your words difficult for me especially the tiny font you used describing "Miss Flea".

    Robin in Virginia

  5. Love your two new designs to be. And I REALLY <3 LOVE <3 the design in your new header. I am so hoping that it will be released as a design as well! Please oh please!
    Blessings, Patti

  6. Lori, LOVE the new header picture, and LOVE the new designs,,,, but honestly, the black background makes reading the words very, very difficult- particularly white lettering that is not in bold type or significantly enlarged. :-(

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Exciting love them!!! My Best, Kimberly

  9. I love your "new" look! From the owl to the kitty, from the scissors to the pincushion. It truly reflects YOU!

  10. love your makes me want to sit down and stitch.

  11. Sorry, I agree with rx2massey. I LOVED the various photographs you would share in your old header. "Welcoming" is the correct word. And I find the gray on black very difficult to read. But I love your blog -- I tune in every day!

  12. Love the header, miss your farm house picture though I really liked it too so summery, I agree with the other gals, the black is too dark hard to read..

    Oh how exciting for new patterns maybe x stitch of four seasons :).

    Can't wait to see


  13. I love your creations I love your art in all its manifestations...I just hope you will make a pattern of the Sampler of your header and I must have the "Beekeeper"

  14. A bit too dark and hard to read. Your designs are lovely, but much harder to read about and see. thanks for allowing our input.

  15. I love the nautical one! Looking forward to the new goodies!

  16. Lori background on blog perfect....can read much better :).......

    Blessed Bee

  17. Love it... especially the colours and that kitty!
    I did enjoy the header of your farmhouse though... it reminded me of the house that was featured in the movie 'Somersby' and who wouldn't want to daydream of Richard Gere! Ha!
    Have a great weekend Lori.

  18. I would love to stitch the header> Hope you will release this as a pattern some day (pretty please!!)

  19. Lori: Wonderful looking designs, I love that you call them bumbler bee's so cute.


  20. I love, love everything Lori and your new header is beyond wonderful. I can see why everyone wants it. Blessings to you my friend, Sandra

  21. Hi lori!

    So many wonderful new designs! Love the new header also!


  22. I Love your New look for your blog....the header is So cute ! Your new designs are Great !!! You are a Very Busy Bee yourself !!! Have a Wonderful Day !

  23. Can't wait to see these new designs. Two of my favorite themes (Cats are #1 of course!).

  24. I love the new header and your designs. I really like the little quote in the header... "Seeing the past through the eye of a needle"

  25. The thin black font on the rather dark grey background is still hard to read. [sorry] The bold text is more visible. But not as nice as your old version, classic black on white.


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