Saturday, May 30, 2015

In the Neighborhood?

Our little Farm Shop is
 OPEN today ~ 11:00 ~ 3:00

come on by for a visit if you're in the neighborhood ~
have a slice of my freshly-baked blueberry cornbread & a cool drink while you shop...

...and don't forget that today is open Hooking/Stitching day too
so bring something to work on and sit a spell with me for a while ~

~ Blessings from the Farm ~ 


  1. I'd love to be there, but I SERIOUSLY have to do some INSIDE chores, today. I've been so focused on my gardens!! At least I'll be cool inside when I stitch later on!

  2. lori...when will you move by me.....i want to join you so bad.....i did bring my rug hooking up north with me so i can work at it sitting by the lake on my if i can just get the weather to stop your day

  3. if i didn't live so far away i'd be there with my banana,raspberry,chocolate loaf.

  4. Loved the. Comment , "when will you move near me ! " That was great ! Your blue berry corn bread sounds So Yummy Too ! How about a traveling road show for those of us who live too far ! Ha !

  5. Hi Lori, Your Blueberry Cornbread sounds wonderful....would you share your recipe with us on your next post? ☕️

  6. I wish i could visit. Someday maybe!


Thank you kindly for visiting with us ~ we love to read your comments! ~ please leave us a note...