Tuesday, February 17, 2015

For the Birds ~

and so it came…
we haven't seen a flake here, 
...compared to the rest of the east coast
yesterday that all changed…

we woke to about 10" of snow this morning ~
a lot less than the northern states
but still it's here.

I don't mind it so much
because it comes…
~ and it goes.
{{unlike the northern states where we grew up.}}

I like to see our feathered friends footprints in the snow...
sweet little traces of their visits 
~ left as proof of their thankfulness for a bellyful of seed ~

the towhees, juncos & sparrows 
wait for the larger birds to forage in the feeder high above ~
spilling down seeds for them.

mr. towhee finds a morsel

i love to watch the backwoods for signs of deer, fox & rabbits too ~
this lone boy cardinal is waiting for his turn at the feeder…

our backyard feeder

 in the front of the farmhouse,
the barn & coops wear a dress of white ~
paths & pawprints to-and-from the barn
made by dogs and folk ~

flag blowing in the cold breeze

icicles dripping from the old tin roof ~

I stuck in some of my 'faux-sythia' a few weeks back to nudge Spring along…
it is now brightening this snow-filled day.

Roxy playing in the snow :)

seat of our rope swing piled-high….

Pinocchio & Daisy 
don't seem to mind so much ~
both wear their winter wool coats…

sweet & gentle friends

after a short walk
{{to clear my lungs of woodsmoke from our stove here in the keeping room}}
I'll head back in to our cozy farmhouse
to snuggle with Iggy a bit ~

my handsome boyfriend


 and get back to my handwork 
which is waiting for me in my basket…

'needle & thread dance in my head'

wishing you all a peaceful day 
...filled with beloved friends and creativity!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


  1. Beautiful! And as much as we've had enough of winter and snow here...your pictures were lovely:)
    The animals all seem to be enjoying the temps. I LoVe the header on your blog Lori...you are always changing it up and it just looks so cozy and inviting. I wonder when you are doing your fancy border, do you count ahead so it always meets up like it should , or does it matter...
    It always turns out so gorgeous anyway ..have a great day. Hugs Marg.

  2. It is a beautiful day here, today, isn't it? I think I've counted 17 different types of birds including TWO big redbellies and lots of goldfinches! I like to think that means a healthy environment for our feathered friends.
    Love seeing all your lovely photos.

  3. Iggy has the right idea! Love the footprints and donkeys wearing their snow blankets. Beautiful and nice for all it will melt quickly. Enjoy

  4. Love seeing your photos of your home with all the birds, animals and "Iggy" too.

  5. Beautiful scenery and animals. Love the bird tracks in the snow. Mouse

  6. Lori, I love your new header photo's.
    The Red Cardinal's beautiful red plummage stands out wonderfully in the starkness of the snow covered bare branches of the trees.
    Pinnochio and Daisy are so lovely, such beautiful thick coats. And Ig, he is just so gorgeous.

  7. What a beautiful post! Thanks! There is such tranquility in the winter wonderland!


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